ecoli_nodes - Man Page
ecoli_nodes — Grammar nodes
— Libecoli grammar nodes.
Data Structures
struct ec_init
struct ec_node_type
struct ec_node_expr_eval_ops
#define EC_NO_ID ''
#define EC_NODE_CMD(args...)
#define EC_NODE_OR(args...)
#define EC_NODE_SEQ(args...)
#define EC_NODE_SUBSET(args...)
typedef int ec_init_t(void)
typedef void ec_exit_t(void)
typedef int(* ec_node_set_config_t) (struct ec_node *node, const struct ec_config *config)
typedef int(* ec_parse_t) (const struct ec_node *node, struct ec_pnode *pstate, const struct ec_strvec *strvec)
typedef int(* ec_complete_t) (const struct ec_node *node, struct ec_comp *comp, const struct ec_strvec *strvec)
typedef char *(* ec_node_desc_t) (const struct ec_node *)
typedef int(* ec_node_init_priv_t) (struct ec_node *)
typedef void(* ec_node_free_priv_t) (struct ec_node *)
typedef size_t(* ec_node_get_children_count_t) (const struct ec_node *)
typedef int(* ec_node_get_child_t) (const struct ec_node *, size_t i, struct ec_node **child, unsigned int *refs)
typedef struct ec_node *(* ec_node_dynamic_build_t) (struct ec_pnode *pstate, void *opaque)
typedef int(* ec_node_expr_eval_var_t) (void **result, void *userctx, const struct ec_pnode *var)
typedef int(* ec_node_expr_eval_pre_op_t) (void **result, void *userctx, void *operand, const struct ec_pnode *operator)
typedef int(* ec_node_expr_eval_post_op_t) (void **result, void *userctx, void *operand, const struct ec_pnode *operator)
typedef int(* ec_node_expr_eval_bin_op_t) (void **result, void *userctx, void *operand1, const struct ec_pnode *operator, void *operand2)
typedef int(* ec_node_expr_eval_parenthesis_t) (void **result, void *userctx, const struct ec_pnode *open_paren, const struct ec_pnode *close_paren, void *value)
typedef void(* ec_node_expr_eval_free_t) (void *result, void *userctx)
void ec_init_register (struct ec_init *test)
int ec_init (void)
void ec_exit (void)
int ec_node_type_register (struct ec_node_type *type, bool override)
const struct ec_node_type * ec_node_type_lookup (const char *name)
void ec_node_type_dump (FILE *out)
const struct ec_config_schema * ec_node_type_schema (const struct ec_node_type *type)
const char * ec_node_type_name (const struct ec_node_type *type)
struct ec_node * ec_node_from_type (const struct ec_node_type *type, const char *id)
struct ec_node * ec_node (const char *typename, const char *id)
struct ec_node * ec_node_clone (struct ec_node *node)
void ec_node_free (struct ec_node *node)
int ec_node_set_config (struct ec_node *node, struct ec_config *config)
const struct ec_config * ec_node_get_config (struct ec_node *node)
size_t ec_node_get_children_count (const struct ec_node *node)
int ec_node_get_child (const struct ec_node *node, size_t i, struct ec_node **child, unsigned int *refs)
const struct ec_node_type * ec_node_type (const struct ec_node *node)
struct ec_dict * ec_node_attrs (const struct ec_node *node)
const char * ec_node_id (const struct ec_node *node)
char * ec_node_desc (const struct ec_node *node)
void ec_node_dump (FILE *out, const struct ec_node *node)
struct ec_node * ec_node_find (struct ec_node *node, const char *id)
int ec_node_check_type (const struct ec_node *node, const struct ec_node_type *type)
const char * ec_node_get_type_name (const struct ec_node *node)
void * ec_node_priv (const struct ec_node *node)
struct ec_node * ec_node_any (const char *id, const char *attr)
struct ec_node * ec_node_bypass (const char *id, struct ec_node *node)
int ec_node_bypass_set_child (struct ec_node *gen_node, struct ec_node *child)
struct ec_node * ec_node_cond (const char *id, const char *cond_str, struct ec_node *child)
struct ec_node * ec_node_dynamic (const char *id, ec_node_dynamic_build_t build, void *opaque)
struct ec_node * ec_node_empty (const char *id)
struct ec_node * ec_node_expr (const char *id)
int ec_node_expr_set_val_node (struct ec_node *gen_node, struct ec_node *val_node)
int ec_node_expr_add_bin_op (struct ec_node *gen_node, struct ec_node *op)
int ec_node_expr_add_pre_op (struct ec_node *gen_node, struct ec_node *op)
int ec_node_expr_add_post_op (struct ec_node *gen_node, struct ec_node *op)
int ec_node_expr_add_parenthesis (struct ec_node *gen_node, struct ec_node *open, struct ec_node *close)
int ec_node_expr_eval (void **result, const struct ec_node *node, struct ec_pnode *parse, const struct ec_node_expr_eval_ops *ops, void *userctx)
struct ec_node * ec_node_file (const char *id, const char *file)
int ec_node_file_set_str (struct ec_node *node, const char *file)
struct ec_node * ec_node_int (const char *id, int64_t min, int64_t max, unsigned int base)
int ec_node_int_getval (const struct ec_node *node, const char *str, int64_t *result)
struct ec_node * ec_node_uint (const char *id, uint64_t min, uint64_t max, unsigned int base)
int ec_node_uint_getval (const struct ec_node *node, const char *str, uint64_t *result)
struct ec_node * ec_node_many (const char *id, struct ec_node *child, unsigned int min, unsigned int max)
int ec_node_many_set_params (struct ec_node *gen_node, struct ec_node *child, unsigned int min, unsigned int max)
struct ec_node * ec_node_once (const char *id, struct ec_node *child)
int ec_node_once_set_child (struct ec_node *node, struct ec_node *child)
struct ec_node * ec_node_option (const char *id, struct ec_node *node)
int ec_node_option_set_child (struct ec_node *gen_node, struct ec_node *child)
struct ec_node * ec_node_or (const char *id)
int ec_node_or_add (struct ec_node *node, struct ec_node *child)
struct ec_node * ec_node_re (const char *id, const char *str)
int ec_node_re_set_regexp (struct ec_node *node, const char *re)
struct ec_node * ec_node_re_lex (const char *id, struct ec_node *child)
int ec_node_re_lex_add (struct ec_node *gen_node, const char *pattern, int keep, const char *attr_name)
struct ec_node * ec_node_seq (const char *id)
int ec_node_seq_add (struct ec_node *node, struct ec_node *child)
struct ec_node * ec_node_sh_lex (const char *id, struct ec_node *child)
struct ec_node * ec_node_str (const char *id, const char *str)
int ec_node_str_set_str (struct ec_node *node, const char *str)
struct ec_node * ec_node_subset (const char *id)
int ec_node_subset_add (struct ec_node *node, struct ec_node *child)
Detailed Description
Libecoli grammar nodes.
The grammar node is a main structure of the ecoli library, used to define how to match and complete the input tokens. A node is a generic object that implements:
- a parse(node, input) method: check if an input matches
- a complete(node, input) method: return possible completions for a given input
- some other methods to initialize, free, ...
One basic example is the string node (ec_node_str). A node ec_node_str("foo") will match any token list starting with "foo", for example:
- ["foo"]
- ["foo", "bar", ...] But will not match:
- []
- ["bar", ...]
A node ec_node_str("foo") will complete with "foo" if the input contains one token, with the same beginning than "foo":
- [""]
- ["f"]
- ["fo"]
- ["foo"] But it will not complete:
- []
- ["bar"]
- ["f", ""]
- ["", "f"]
A node can have child nodes. For instance, a sequence node ec_node_seq(ec_node_str("foo"), ec_node_str("bar")) will match a sequence: ["foo", "bar"].
Note: at some places in the documentation and the code, we may talk about the grammar tree, but as loops are allowed, we should instead talk about grammar graph.
This node matches one string in the vector if it is only composed of spaces, as interpreted by isspace().
Macro Definition Documentation
#define EC_INIT_REGISTER( t)
static void ec_init_init_##t(void); \ static void __attribute__((constructor, used)) \ ec_init_init_##t(void) \ { \ ec_init_register(&t); \ }
Register initialization and exit callbacks. These callbacks are ordered by priority: for initialization, the lowest priority is called first. For exit, the callbacks are invoked in reverse order.
Definition at line 23 of file ecoli_init.h.
#define EC_NO_ID ''
Node has no identifier.
Definition at line 60 of file ecoli_node.h.
static void ec_node_init_##t(void); \ static void __attribute__((constructor, used)) \ ec_node_init_##t(void) \ { \ if (ec_node_type_register(&t, 0) < 0) \ fprintf(stderr, \ "cannot register node type %s\n", \; \ }
Register a node type at library load.
The node type is registered in a function that has the the constructor attribute: the function is called at library load.
- Parameters
t The name of the ec_node_type structure variable.
Definition at line 81 of file ecoli_node.h.
static void ec_node_init_##t(void); \ static void __attribute__((constructor, used)) \ ec_node_init_##t(void) \ { \ if (ec_node_type_register(&t, 1) < 0) \ fprintf(stderr, \ "cannot register node type %s\n", \; \ }
Register a node type at library load, overriding previous registration.
The node type is registered in a function that has the the constructor attribute: the function is called at library load.
Be careful when using this macro, as the last type with a given name is the one that is actually registered. The call order may be hard to predict, especially within the same binary.
- Parameters
t The name of the ec_node_type structure variable.
Definition at line 105 of file ecoli_node.h.
#define EC_NODE_CMD( args...)
__ec_node_cmd(args, EC_VA_END)
Definition at line 15 of file ecoli_node_cmd.h.
#define EC_NODE_OR( args...)
__ec_node_or(args, EC_VA_END)
Create a new "or" node from an arbitrary list of child nodes. All nodes given in the list will be freed when freeing this one.
Definition at line 20 of file ecoli_node_or.h.
#define EC_NODE_SEQ( args...)
__ec_node_seq(args, EC_VA_END)
Definition at line 15 of file ecoli_node_seq.h.
#define EC_NODE_SUBSET( args...)
__ec_node_subset(args, EC_VA_END)
Definition at line 15 of file ecoli_node_subset.h.
Typedef Documentation
typedef int ec_init_t(void)
Type of init function. Return 0 on success, -1 on error.
Definition at line 34 of file ecoli_init.h.
typedef void ec_exit_t(void)
Type of exit function.
Definition at line 39 of file ecoli_init.h.
typedef int(* ec_node_set_config_t) (struct ec_node *node, const struct ec_config *config)
Function type used to configure a node.
The function pointer is not called directly, the helper ec_node_set_config() should be used instead.
The configuration passed to this function pointer is valid, i.e. ec_config_validate() returned 0 on it.
- Parameters
node The node to configure.
config The configuration to apply to the node.
0 on success, negative on error (errno is set).
Definition at line 137 of file ecoli_node.h.
typedef int(* ec_parse_t) (const struct ec_node *node, struct ec_pnode *pstate, const struct ec_strvec *strvec)
Parse a string vector using the given grammar graph.
The function pointer is not called directly, the helpers ec_parse(), ec_parse_strvec() or ec_parse_child() should be used instead.
The implementation of this method for a node that manages children will call ec_parse_child(child, pstate, child_strvec).
- Parameters
node The grammar graph.
pstate A pointer to the leaf being parsed in the parsing tree. It can be used by a node to retrieve information from the current parsing tree. To get the root of the tree, ec_pnode_get_root(pstate) should be used.
strvec The string vector to be parsed.- Returns
On success, return the number of consumed items in the string vector (can be 0) or EC_PARSE_NOMATCH if the node cannot parse the string vector. On error, a negative value is returned and errno is set.
Definition at line 163 of file ecoli_node.h.
typedef int(* ec_complete_t) (const struct ec_node *node, struct ec_comp *comp, const struct ec_strvec *strvec)
Get completion items using the given grammar graph.
The function pointer should not be called directly, the helpers ec_complete(), ec_complete_strvec() or ec_complete_child() should be used instead.
This function completes the last element of the string vector. For instance, node.type->complete(node, comp, ["ls"]) will list all commands that starts with "ls", while node.type->complete(node, comp, ["ls", ""]) will list all possible values for the next argument.
The implementation of this function in the node is supposed to either:
- call ec_comp_add_item() for each completion item that should be added to the list. This is typically done in terminal nodes, for example in ec_node_str() or ec_node_file().
- call ec_complete_child() to let the children nodes add their own completion. This is the case of ec_node_or which trivially calls ec_complete_child() on all its children, and of ec_node_seq, which has to do a more complex job (parsing strvec).
A node that does not provide any method for the completion will fallback to ec_complete_unknown(): this helper returns a completion item of type EC_COMP_UNKNOWN, just to indicate that everything before the last element of the string vector has been parsed successfully, but we don't know how to complete the last element.
- Parameters
node The root node of the grammar graph.
comp The current list of completion items, to be filled by the node.type->complete() method.
strvec The string vector to be completed.
0 on success, or a negative value on error (errno is set).
Definition at line 208 of file ecoli_node.h.
typedef char *(* ec_node_desc_t) (const struct ec_node *)
Get the short description of a grammar node.
This function pointer should not be called directly. The ec_node_desc() helper should be used instead.
This callback is typically used when building a help string for a grammar graph. It is used in ecoli editline interface to generate contextual help like this (first column):
<int> An integer. foo The foo string. bar The bar string.
If this callback is set to NULL in the node type, the default behavior is to return the node type name inside <>, for instance <int>. The string node type implements this method to return the string value. An integer node could implement it to return its range (ex: "1..10").
The returned value is a pointer that must be freed by the caller with ec_free().
On error, NULL is returned and errno is set.
Definition at line 237 of file ecoli_node.h.
typedef int(* ec_node_init_priv_t) (struct ec_node *)
Initialize the node private area.
This function pointer should not be called directly. The ec_node() and ec_node_from_type() helpers, that allocate new nodes, should be used instead.
If not NULL, this function is called when a node is instanciated, to initialize the private area of a node. In any case, the private area is first zeroed.
On success, 0 is returned. On error, a negative value is returned and errno is set.
Definition at line 253 of file ecoli_node.h.
typedef void(* ec_node_free_priv_t) (struct ec_node *)
Free the node private area.
This function pointer should not be called directly. The ec_node_free() helper should be used instead.
When a node is deleted, this function is called to free the resources referenced in the node private area.
Definition at line 264 of file ecoli_node.h.
typedef size_t(* ec_node_get_children_count_t) (const struct ec_node *)
Count the number of node children.
This function pointer should not be called directly. The ec_node_get_children_count() helper should be used instead.
Some grammar nodes like seq, or, many, (...), reference children nodes in the grammar graph. This function returns the number of children.
Definition at line 276 of file ecoli_node.h.
typedef int(* ec_node_get_child_t) (const struct ec_node *, size_t i, struct ec_node **child, unsigned int *refs)
Count the number of node children.
This function pointer should not be called directly. The ec_node_get_child() helper should be used instead.
Some grammar nodes like seq, or, many, (...), reference children nodes in the grammar graph. This function sets the i-th child (with i lower than the return value of ec_node_get_children_count()) in the child pointer. It also returns the number of references to the child owned by the parent. This information is used by the algorithm that frees a grammar graph taking care of loops.
On success, 0 is returned. On error, a negative value is returned and errno is set.
Definition at line 294 of file ecoli_node.h.
typedef struct ec_node *(* ec_node_dynamic_build_t) (struct ec_pnode *pstate, void *opaque)
callback invoked by parse() or complete() to build the dynamic node the behavior of the node can depend on what is already parsed
Definition at line 1 of file ecoli_node_dynamic.h.
typedef int(* ec_node_expr_eval_var_t) (void **result, void *userctx, const struct ec_pnode *var)
Callback function type for evaluating a variable
- Parameters
result On success, this pointer must be set by the user to point to a user structure describing the evaluated result.
userctx A user-defined context passed to all callback functions, which can be used to maintain a state or store global information.
var The parse result referencing the variable.
0 on success (*result must be set), or -errno on error (*result is undefined).
Definition at line 30 of file ecoli_node_expr.h.
typedef int(* ec_node_expr_eval_pre_op_t) (void **result, void *userctx, void *operand, const struct ec_pnode *operator)
Callback function type for evaluating a prefix-operator
- Parameters
result On success, this pointer must be set by the user to point to a user structure describing the evaluated result.
userctx A user-defined context passed to all callback functions, which can be used to maintain a state or store global information.
operand The evaluated expression on which the operation should be applied.
operator The parse result referencing the operator.
0 on success (*result must be set, operand is freed), or -errno on error (*result is undefined, operand is not freed).
Definition at line 51 of file ecoli_node_expr.h.
typedef int(* ec_node_expr_eval_post_op_t) (void **result, void *userctx, void *operand, const struct ec_pnode *operator)
Definition at line 56 of file ecoli_node_expr.h.
typedef int(* ec_node_expr_eval_bin_op_t) (void **result, void *userctx, void *operand1, const struct ec_pnode *operator,void *operand2)
Definition at line 61 of file ecoli_node_expr.h.
typedef int(* ec_node_expr_eval_parenthesis_t) (void **result, void *userctx, const struct ec_pnode *open_paren, const struct ec_pnode *close_paren, void *value)
Definition at line 67 of file ecoli_node_expr.h.
typedef void(* ec_node_expr_eval_free_t) (void *result, void *userctx)
Definition at line 73 of file ecoli_node_expr.h.
Function Documentation
void ec_init_register (struct ec_init * test)
Register an initialization function.
- Parameters
test A pointer to a ec_init structure to be registered.
int ec_init (void )
Initialize ecoli library.
Must be called before any other function from libecoli, except ec_malloc_register().
0 on success, -1 on error (errno is set).
void ec_exit (void )
Uninitialize ecoli library.
int ec_node_type_register (struct ec_node_type * type, bool override)
Register a node type.
The name of the type being registered is a uniq identifier. However, it is possible to force the registration of a type with an existing name by setting "override" to true. Note that the initial type is not removed from the list, instead the new one is added before in the list.
- Parameters
type The node type to be registered.
override Allow the registration of an existing type.
0 on success, negative value on error.
const struct ec_node_type * ec_node_type_lookup (const char * name)
Lookup node type by name.
- Parameters
name The name of the node type to search.
- Returns
The (read-only) node type if found, or NULL on error.
void ec_node_type_dump (FILE * out)
Dump registered log types.
- Parameters
out The stream where the dump is sent.
const struct ec_config_schema * ec_node_type_schema (const struct ec_node_type * type)
Get the config schema of a node type.
- Parameters
type The node type.
- Returns
The (read-only) config schema of the node type, or NULL if the node type has no config schema.
const char * ec_node_type_name (const struct ec_node_type * type)
Get the name of a node type.
- Parameters
type The node type.
- Returns
The (read-only) name of the node type.
struct ec_node * ec_node_from_type (const struct ec_node_type * type, const char * id)
create a new node when the type is known, typically called from the node code
struct ec_node * ec_node (const char * typename, const char * id)
Create a new node from type name.
void * ec_node_priv (const struct ec_node * node)
Get the pointer to the node private area.
- Parameters
node The grammar node.
- Returns
The pointer to the node private area.
struct ec_node * ec_node_any (const char * id, const char * attr)
Create a "any" node.
This node always matches 1 string in the vector. An optional strvec attribute can be checked too. These attributes are usually set by a lexer node.
- Parameters
id The node identifier.
attr The strvec attribute to match, or NULL.- Returns
The ecoli node.
struct ec_node * ec_node_bypass (const char * id, struct ec_node * node)
A node that does nothing else than calling the child node. It can be helpful to build loops in a node graph.
int ec_node_bypass_set_child (struct ec_node * gen_node, struct ec_node * child)
Attach a child to a bypass node.
struct ec_node * ec_node_cond (const char * id, const char * cond_str, struct ec_node * child)
Create a condition node.
The condition node checks that an expression is true before parsing/completing the child node. If it is false, the node doesn't match anything.
- Parameters
id The node identifier.
cond_str The condition string. This is an function-based expression.
child The ecoli child node.- Returns
The new ecoli cond node.
struct ec_node * ec_node_dynamic (const char * id, ec_node_dynamic_build_t build, void * opaque)
Dynamic node where parsing/validation is done in a user provided callback.
struct ec_node * ec_node_empty (const char * id)
This node always matches an empty string vector
struct ec_node * ec_node_once (const char * id, struct ec_node * child)
This node behaves like its child, but prevent from parsing it several times.
many( or( once(str("foo")), str("bar")))
Matches: [], ["foo", "bar"], ["bar", "bar"], ["foo", "bar", "bar"], ... But not: ["foo", "foo"], ["foo", "bar", "foo"], ...
on error, child is not freed
int ec_node_once_set_child (struct ec_node * node, struct ec_node * child)
on error, child is freed
struct ec_node * ec_node_or (const char * id)
Create an empty "or" node.
int ec_node_or_add (struct ec_node * node, struct ec_node * child)
Add a child to an "or" node. Child is consumed.
Generated automatically by Doxygen for Libecoli from the source code.
Referenced By
The man pages ec_complete_t(3), ec_exit(3), ec_exit_t(3), ec_init_register(3), EC_INIT_REGISTER(3), ec_init_t(3), ec_node(3), ec_node_any(3), ec_node_bypass(3), ec_node_bypass_set_child(3), EC_NODE_CMD(3), ec_node_cond(3), ec_node_desc_t(3), ec_node_dynamic(3), ec_node_dynamic_build_t(3), ec_node_empty(3), ec_node_expr_eval_bin_op_t(3), ec_node_expr_eval_free_t(3), ec_node_expr_eval_parenthesis_t(3), ec_node_expr_eval_post_op_t(3), ec_node_expr_eval_pre_op_t(3), ec_node_expr_eval_var_t(3), ec_node_free_priv_t(3), ec_node_from_type(3), ec_node_get_children_count_t(3), ec_node_get_child_t(3), ec_node_init_priv_t(3), ec_node_once(3), ec_node_once_set_child(3), ec_node_or(3), EC_NODE_OR(3), ec_node_or_add(3), ec_node_priv(3), EC_NODE_SEQ(3), ec_node_set_config_t(3), EC_NODE_SUBSET(3), ec_node_type_dump(3), ec_node_type_lookup(3), ec_node_type_name(3), ec_node_type_register(3), EC_NODE_TYPE_REGISTER(3), EC_NODE_TYPE_REGISTER_OVERRIDE(3), ec_node_type_schema(3), EC_NO_ID(3) and ec_parse_t(3) are aliases of ecoli_nodes(3).