dump.3valkey - Man Page

Returns a serialized representation of the value stored at a key.


DUMP key


Serialize the value stored at key in a Valkey-specific format and return it to the user. The returned value can be synthesized back into a Valkey key using the RESTORE command.

The serialization format is opaque and non-standard, however it has a few semantic characteristics:

The serialized value does NOT contain expire information. In order to capture the time to live of the current value the PTTL command should be used.

If key does not exist a nil bulk reply is returned.



One of the following:


One of the following:


O(1) to access the key and additional O(NM) to serialize it, where N is the number of objects composing the value and M their average size. For small string values the time complexity is thus O(1)+O(1M) where M is small, so simply O(1).

Acl Categories

@keyspace @read @slow



> SET mykey 10
> DUMP mykey

See Also

copy(3valkey), del(3valkey), exists(3valkey), expire(3valkey), expireat(3valkey), expiretime(3valkey), keys(3valkey), migrate(3valkey), move(3valkey), object(3valkey), object-encoding(3valkey), object-freq(3valkey), object-help(3valkey), object-idletime(3valkey), object-refcount(3valkey), persist(3valkey), pexpire(3valkey), pexpireat(3valkey), pexpiretime(3valkey), pttl(3valkey), randomkey(3valkey), rename(3valkey), renamenx(3valkey), restore(3valkey), scan(3valkey), sort(3valkey), sort_ro(3valkey), touch(3valkey), ttl(3valkey), type(3valkey), unlink(3valkey), wait(3valkey), waitaof(3valkey)


2024-09-23 8.0.0 Valkey Command Manual