cluster-replicas.3valkey - Man Page

Lists the replica nodes of a primary node.




The command provides a list of replica nodes replicating from the specified master node. The list is provided in the same format used by CLUSTER NODES (please refer to its documentation for the specification of the format).

The command will fail if the specified node is not known or if it is not a master according to the node table of the node receiving the command.

Note that if a replica is added, moved, or removed from a given master node, and we ask CLUSTER REPLICAS to a node that has not yet received the configuration update, it may show stale information. However eventually (in a matter of seconds if there are no network partitions) all the nodes will agree about the set of nodes associated with a given master.


valkey-protocol(7) Array reply: a list of replica nodes replicating from the specified master node provided in the same format used by CLUSTER NODES.


O(N) where N is the number of replicas.

Acl Categories

@admin @dangerous @slow


See Also

asking(3valkey), cluster(3valkey), cluster-addslots(3valkey), cluster-addslotsrange(3valkey), cluster-bumpepoch(3valkey), cluster-count-failure-reports(3valkey), cluster-countkeysinslot(3valkey), cluster-delslots(3valkey), cluster-delslotsrange(3valkey), cluster-failover(3valkey), cluster-flushslots(3valkey), cluster-forget(3valkey), cluster-getkeysinslot(3valkey), cluster-help(3valkey), cluster-info(3valkey), cluster-keyslot(3valkey), cluster-links(3valkey), cluster-meet(3valkey), cluster-myid(3valkey), cluster-myshardid(3valkey), cluster-nodes(3valkey), cluster-replicate(3valkey), cluster-reset(3valkey), cluster-saveconfig(3valkey), cluster-set-config-epoch(3valkey), cluster-setslot(3valkey), cluster-shards(3valkey), cluster-slots(3valkey), readonly(3valkey), readwrite(3valkey)


2024-09-23 8.0.0 Valkey Command Manual