cluster-links.3valkey - Man Page

Returns a list of all TCP links to and from peer nodes.




Each node in a Valkey Cluster maintains a pair of long-lived TCP link with each peer in the cluster: One for sending outbound messages towards the peer and one for receiving inbound messages from the peer.

CLUSTER LINKS outputs information of all such peer links as an array, where each array element is a map that contains attributes and their values for an individual link.



valkey-protocol(7) Array reply: an array of maps where each map contains various attributes and their values of a cluster link.


valkey-protocol(7) Array reply: an array of valkey-protocol(7) Map reply where each map contains various attributes and their values of a cluster link.


O(N) where N is the total number of Cluster nodes

Acl Categories




The following is an example output:

1)  1) "direction"
    2) "to"
    3) "node"
    4) "8149d745fa551e40764fecaf7cab9dbdf6b659ae"
    5) "create-time"
    6) (integer) 1639442739375
    7) "events"
    8) "rw"
    9) "send-buffer-allocated"
   10) (integer) 4512
   11) "send-buffer-used"
   12) (integer) 0
2)  1) "direction"
    2) "from"
    3) "node"
    4) "8149d745fa551e40764fecaf7cab9dbdf6b659ae"
    5) "create-time"
    6) (integer) 1639442739411
    7) "events"
    8) "r"
    9) "send-buffer-allocated"
   10) (integer) 0
   11) "send-buffer-used"
   12) (integer) 0

Each map is composed of the following attributes of the corresponding cluster link and their values:

  1. direction: This link is established by the local node to the peer, or accepted by the local node from the peer.
  2. node: The node id of the peer.
  3. create-time: Creation time of the link. (In the case of a to link, this is the time when the TCP link is created by the local node, not the time when it is actually established.)
  4. events: Events currently registered for the link. r means readable event, w means writable event.
  5. send-buffer-allocated: Allocated size of the link’s send buffer, which is used to buffer outgoing messages toward the peer.
  6. send-buffer-used: Size of the portion of the link’s send buffer that is currently holding data(messages).

See Also

asking(3valkey), cluster(3valkey), cluster-addslots(3valkey), cluster-addslotsrange(3valkey), cluster-bumpepoch(3valkey), cluster-count-failure-reports(3valkey), cluster-countkeysinslot(3valkey), cluster-delslots(3valkey), cluster-delslotsrange(3valkey), cluster-failover(3valkey), cluster-flushslots(3valkey), cluster-forget(3valkey), cluster-getkeysinslot(3valkey), cluster-help(3valkey), cluster-info(3valkey), cluster-keyslot(3valkey), cluster-meet(3valkey), cluster-myid(3valkey), cluster-myshardid(3valkey), cluster-nodes(3valkey), cluster-replicas(3valkey), cluster-replicate(3valkey), cluster-reset(3valkey), cluster-saveconfig(3valkey), cluster-set-config-epoch(3valkey), cluster-setslot(3valkey), cluster-shards(3valkey), cluster-slots(3valkey), readonly(3valkey), readwrite(3valkey)


2024-09-23 8.0.0 Valkey Command Manual