bson_new_from_buffer - Man Page
bson_t * bson_new_from_buffer (uint8_t **buf, size_t *buf_len, bson_realloc_func realloc_func, void *realloc_func_ctx);
- buf: An out-pointer to a buffer containing a serialized BSON document, or to NULL.
- buf_len: An out-pointer to the length of the buffer in bytes.
- realloc_func: Optional bson_realloc_func for reallocating the buffer.
- realloc_func_ctx: Optional pointer that will be passed as ctx to realloc_func.
Creates a new bson_t using the data provided.
The realloc_func, if provided, is called to resize buf if the document is later expanded, for example by a call to one of the bson_append functions.
If *buf is initially NULL then it is allocated, using realloc_func or the default allocator, and initialized with an empty BSON document, and *buf_len is set to 5, the size of an empty document.
A newly-allocated bson_t on success, or NULL.
MongoDB, Inc
2009-present, MongoDB, Inc.
Feb 06, 2025 1.30.0 libbson