bgsave.3valkey - Man Page

Asynchronously saves the database(s) to disk.




Save the DB in background.

Normally the OK code is immediately returned. Valkey forks, the parent continues to serve the clients, the child saves the DB on disk then exits.

An error is returned if there is already a background save running or if there is another non-background-save process running, specifically an in-progress AOF rewrite.

If BGSAVE SCHEDULE is used, the command will immediately return OK when an AOF rewrite is in progress and schedule the background save to run at the next opportunity.

If BGSAVE CANCEL is used, it will immediately terminate any in-progress RDB save or replication full sync process. In case a background save is scheduled to run (e.g. using BGSAVE SCHEDULE command) the scheduled execution will be cancelled as well.

A client may be able to check if the operation succeeded using the LASTSAVE command.

Please refer to the persistence documentation for detailed information.


One of the following:



Acl Categories

@admin @dangerous @slow


See Also

acl(3valkey), acl-cat(3valkey), acl-deluser(3valkey), acl-dryrun(3valkey), acl-genpass(3valkey), acl-getuser(3valkey), acl-help(3valkey), acl-list(3valkey), acl-load(3valkey), acl-log(3valkey), acl-save(3valkey), acl-setuser(3valkey), acl-users(3valkey), acl-whoami(3valkey), bgrewriteaof(3valkey), command(3valkey), command-count(3valkey), command-docs(3valkey), command-getkeys(3valkey), command-getkeysandflags(3valkey), command-help(3valkey), command-info(3valkey), command-list(3valkey), config(3valkey), config-get(3valkey), config-help(3valkey), config-resetstat(3valkey), config-rewrite(3valkey), config-set(3valkey), dbsize(3valkey), debug(3valkey), failover(3valkey), flushall(3valkey), flushdb(3valkey), info(3valkey), lastsave(3valkey), latency(3valkey), latency-doctor(3valkey), latency-graph(3valkey), latency-help(3valkey), latency-histogram(3valkey), latency-history(3valkey), latency-latest(3valkey), latency-reset(3valkey), lolwut(3valkey), memory(3valkey), memory-doctor(3valkey), memory-help(3valkey), memory-malloc-stats(3valkey), memory-purge(3valkey), memory-stats(3valkey), memory-usage(3valkey), module(3valkey), module-help(3valkey), module-list(3valkey), module-load(3valkey), module-loadex(3valkey), module-unload(3valkey), monitor(3valkey), psync(3valkey), replconf(3valkey), replicaof(3valkey), restore-asking(3valkey), role(3valkey), save(3valkey), shutdown(3valkey), slowlog(3valkey), slowlog-get(3valkey), slowlog-help(3valkey), slowlog-len(3valkey), slowlog-reset(3valkey), swapdb(3valkey), sync(3valkey), time(3valkey)


2025-01-08 8.0.2 Valkey Command Manual