array_reset - Man Page

deallocate array


#include <array.h>

void array_reset(array* x);

 array x;


If x is allocated, array_reset frees the region that x points to, and switches x to being unallocated.

If x x has failed, array_reset simply switches x to being unallocated.

If x x is unallocated, array_reset has no effect.

See Also

array_allocate(3), array_get(3), array_fail(3), array_trunc(3), array_truncate(3)

Referenced By

array_cat(3), array_cat0(3), array_catb(3), array_cate(3), array_cats(3), array_cats0(3), array_equal(3), array_fail(3), array_trunc(3), array_truncate(3).