acl-log.3valkey - Man Page

Lists recent security events generated due to ACL rules.


ACL LOG [count | RESET]


The command shows a list of recent ACL security events:

  1. Failures to authenticate their connections with AUTH or HELLO.
  2. Commands denied because against the current ACL rules.
  3. Commands denied because accessing keys not allowed in the current ACL rules.

The optional argument specifies how many entries to show. By default up to ten failures are returned. The special RESET argument clears the log. Entries are displayed starting from the most recent.


When called to show security events:

When called with RESET:


O(N) with N being the number of entries shown.

Acl Categories

@admin @dangerous @slow


Examples> AUTH someuser wrongpassword
(error) WRONGPASS invalid username-password pair
1)  1) "count"
    2) (integer) 1
    3) "reason"
    4) "auth"
    5) "context"
    6) "toplevel"
    7) "object"
    8) "AUTH"
    9) "username"
   10) "someuser"
   11) "age-seconds"
   12) "8.038"
   13) "client-info"
   14) "id=3 addr= laddr= fd=8 name= age=16 idle=0 flags=N db=0 sub=0 psub=0 ssub=0 multi=-1 qbuf=48 qbuf-free=16842 argv-mem=25 multi-mem=0 rbs=1024 rbp=0 obl=0 oll=0 omem=0 tot-mem=18737 events=r cmd=auth user=default redir=-1 resp=2"
   15) "entry-id"
   16) (integer) 0
   17) "timestamp-created"
   18) (integer) 1675361492408
   19) "timestamp-last-updated"
   20) (integer) 1675361492408

Each log entry is composed of the following fields:

  1. count: The number of security events detected within a 60 second period that are represented by this entry.
  2. reason: The reason that the security events were logged. Either command, key, channel, or auth.
  3. context: The context that the security events were detected in. Either toplevel, multi, lua, or module.
  4. object: The resource that the user had insufficient permissions to access. auth when the reason is auth.
  5. username: The username that executed the command that caused the security events or the username that had a failed authentication attempt.
  6. age-seconds: Age of the log entry in seconds.
  7. client-info: Displays the client info of a client which caused one of the security events.
  8. entry-id: The sequence number of the entry (starting at 0) since the server process started. Can also be used to check if items were “lost”, if they fell between periods.
  9. timestamp-created: A UNIX timestamp in milliseconds at the time the entry was first created.
  10. timestamp-last-updated: A UNIX timestamp in milliseconds at the time the entry was last updated.

See Also

acl(3valkey), acl-cat(3valkey), acl-deluser(3valkey), acl-dryrun(3valkey), acl-genpass(3valkey), acl-getuser(3valkey), acl-help(3valkey), acl-list(3valkey), acl-load(3valkey), acl-save(3valkey), acl-setuser(3valkey), acl-users(3valkey), acl-whoami(3valkey), bgrewriteaof(3valkey), bgsave(3valkey), command(3valkey), command-count(3valkey), command-docs(3valkey), command-getkeys(3valkey), command-getkeysandflags(3valkey), command-help(3valkey), command-info(3valkey), command-list(3valkey), config(3valkey), config-get(3valkey), config-help(3valkey), config-resetstat(3valkey), config-rewrite(3valkey), config-set(3valkey), dbsize(3valkey), debug(3valkey), failover(3valkey), flushall(3valkey), flushdb(3valkey), info(3valkey), lastsave(3valkey), latency(3valkey), latency-doctor(3valkey), latency-graph(3valkey), latency-help(3valkey), latency-histogram(3valkey), latency-history(3valkey), latency-latest(3valkey), latency-reset(3valkey), lolwut(3valkey), memory(3valkey), memory-doctor(3valkey), memory-help(3valkey), memory-malloc-stats(3valkey), memory-purge(3valkey), memory-stats(3valkey), memory-usage(3valkey), module(3valkey), module-help(3valkey), module-list(3valkey), module-load(3valkey), module-loadex(3valkey), module-unload(3valkey), monitor(3valkey), psync(3valkey), replconf(3valkey), replicaof(3valkey), restore-asking(3valkey), role(3valkey), save(3valkey), shutdown(3valkey), slowlog(3valkey), slowlog-get(3valkey), slowlog-help(3valkey), slowlog-len(3valkey), slowlog-reset(3valkey), swapdb(3valkey), sync(3valkey), time(3valkey)


2024-09-23 8.0.0 Valkey Command Manual