XvUngrabPort - Man Page
release port grabbed for video operation
#include <X11/extensions/Xvlib.h>
int XvUngrabPort(Display *dpy, XvPortID port, Time time);
- dpy
Specifies the connection to the X server.
- port
Specifies the port to be released. If the port had not been previously grabbed, the request is ignored.
- time
Specifies the request timestamp.
releases a grabbed port. If time specifies a time before the last XvGrabPort(3) was executed, the request is ignored.
Return Values
- [Success]
Returned if XvUngrabPort(3) completed successfully.
- [XvBadExtension]
Returned if the Xv extension is unavailable.
- [XvBadAlloc]
Returned if XvUngrabPort(3) failed to allocate memory to process the request.
- [XvBadPort]
Generated if the requested port does not exist.
See Also
Referenced By
libXv 1.0.13 X Version 11 libXv Functions