XkbGetKeyboardByName - Man Page

Build a new keyboard description from a set of named components, and to optionally have the server use the resulting description to replace an active one


XkbDescPtr XkbGetKeyboardByName (Display *dpy, unsigned int device_spec, XkbComponentNamesPtr names, unsigned int want, unsigned int need, Bool load);



connection to X server


device ID, or XkbUseCoreKbd


names of components to fetch


desired structures in returned record


mandatory structures in returned record


True => load into device_spec


A client may request that the server fetch one or more components from its  database and use those components to build a new server keyboard description.  The new keyboard description may be built from scratch, or it may be built  starting with the current keyboard description for a particular device. Once the  keyboard description is built, all or part of it may be returned to the client.  The parts returned to the client need not include all of the parts used to build  the description. At the time it requests the server to build a new keyboard  description, a client may also request that the server use the new description  internally to replace the current keyboard description for a specific device, in  which case the behavior of the device changes accordingly.

To build a new keyboard description from a set of named components, and to  optionally have the server use the resulting description to replace an active  one, use XkbGetKeyboardByName.

names contains a set of expressions describing the keyboard components the  server should use to build the new keyboard description. want and need are bit fields describing the parts of the resulting keyboard description that  should be present in the returned XkbDescRec.
 The individual fields in names are component expressions composed of keyboard component names (no wildcarding as may be used in XkbListComponents), the special component name symbol `%', and the special operator characters `+'  and `|'. A component expression is parsed left to right, as follows:


The complete description of an Xkb keyboard is given by an XkbDescRec. The  component  structures in the XkbDescRec represent the major Xkb components outlined in  Figure 1.1.

typedef struct {
   struct _XDisplay * display;      /* connection to X server */
   unsigned short     flags;        /* private to Xkb, do not modify */
   unsigned short     device_spec;  /* device of interest */
   KeyCode            min_key_code; /* minimum keycode for device */
   KeyCode            max_key_code; /* maximum keycode for device */
   XkbControlsPtr     ctrls;        /* controls */
   XkbServerMapPtr    server;       /* server keymap */
   XkbClientMapPtr    map;          /* client keymap */
   XkbIndicatorPtr    indicators;   /* indicator map */
   XkbNamesPtr        names;        /* names for all components */
   XkbCompatMapPtr    compat;       /* compatibility map */
   XkbGeometryPtr     geom;         /* physical geometry of keyboard */
} XkbDescRec, *XkbDescPtr;

The display field points to an X display structure. The flags field is private to the library: modifying flags may yield unpredictable results. The device_spec field specifies the device identifier of the keyboard input device, or  XkbUseCoreKeyboard, which specifies the core keyboard device. The min_key_code and max_key_code fields specify the least and greatest keycode that can be returned by the  keyboard.

Each structure component has a corresponding mask bit that is used in function  calls to  indicate that the structure should be manipulated in some manner, such as  allocating it  or freeing it. These masks and their relationships to the fields in the  XkbDescRec are  shown in Table 3.

Table 3 Mask Bits for XkbDescRec
Mask BitXkbDescRec FieldValue
XkbAllComponentsMaskAll Fields(0x7f)



A compatible version of Xkb was not available in the server or an argument has  correct type and range, but is otherwise invalid

See Also


Referenced By

XkbGetKeyboard(3), XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping(3).

libX11 1.8.11 X Version 11 XKB FUNCTIONS