XkbFreeCompatMap - Man Page

Free an entire compatibility map or selected portions of one


void XkbFreeCompatMap (XkbDescPtr xkb, unsigned int which, Bool free_map);



Xkb description in which to free compatibility map


mask of compatibility map components to free


True => free XkbCompatMap structure itself


which specifies the compatibility map components to be freed (see XkbGetCompatMap). which is an inclusive OR of the bits shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Compatibility Map Component Masks
XkbSymInterpMask(1<<0)Symbol interpretations
XkbGroupCompatMask(1<<1)Group maps
XkbAllCompatMask(0x3)All compatibility map components

free_map indicates whether the XkbCompatMap structure itself should be freed. If free_map is True, which is ignored, all non-NULL compatibility map components are freed, and the compat field in the XkbDescRec referenced by xkb is set to NULL.


    typedef struct _XkbCompatMapRec {
        XkbSymInterpretPtr    sym_interpret;            /* symbol based key semantics*/
        XkbModsRec            groups[XkbNumKbdGroups];  /* group => modifier map */
        unsigned short        num_si;                   /* # structures used in sym_interpret */
        unsigned short        size_si;                  /* # structures allocated in sym_interpret */
    } XkbCompatMapRec, *XkbCompatMapPtr;

The complete description of an Xkb keyboard is given by an XkbDescRec. The component  structures in the XkbDescRec represent the major Xkb components outlined in Figure 1.1.

typedef struct {
   struct _XDisplay * display;      /* connection to X server */
   unsigned short     flags;        /* private to Xkb, do not modify */
   unsigned short     device_spec;  /* device of interest */
   KeyCode            min_key_code; /* minimum keycode for device */
   KeyCode            max_key_code; /* maximum keycode for device */
   XkbControlsPtr     ctrls;        /* controls */
   XkbServerMapPtr    server;       /* server keymap */
   XkbClientMapPtr    map;          /* client keymap */
   XkbIndicatorPtr    indicators;   /* indicator map */
   XkbNamesPtr        names;        /* names for all components */
   XkbCompatMapPtr    compat;       /* compatibility map */
   XkbGeometryPtr     geom;         /* physical geometry of keyboard */
} XkbDescRec, *XkbDescPtr;

The display field points to an X display structure. The flags field is private to the library: modifying flags may yield unpredictable results. The device_spec field specifies the device identifier of the keyboard input device, or  XkbUseCoreKeyboard, which specifies the core keyboard device. The min_key_code and max_key_code fields specify the least and greatest keycode that can be returned by the keyboard.  The other fields specify structure components of the keyboard description and are  described in detail in other sections of this document. Table 2 identifies the  subsequent sections of this document that discuss the individual components of the  XkbDescRec.

Table 2 XkbDescRec Component References
XkbDescRec FieldFor more info
ctrlsChapter 10
serverChapter 16
mapChapter 15
indicatorsChapter 8
namesChapter 18
compatChapter 17
geomChapter 13

Each structure component has a corresponding mask bit that is used in function calls to  indicate that the structure should be manipulated in some manner, such as allocating it  or freeing it. These masks and their relationships to the fields in the XkbDescRec are  shown in Table 3.

Table 3 Mask Bits for XkbDescRec
Mask BitXkbDescRec FieldValue

XkbAllComponentsMaskAll Fields(0x7f)

See Also


Referenced By


libX11 1.8.11 X Version 11 XKB FUNCTIONS