Tcl_DumpActiveMemory - Man Page

Validated memory allocation interface


#include <tcl.h>



Tcl_ValidateAllMemory(fileName, line)


Tcl_Interp *interp (in)

Tcl interpreter in which to add commands.

const char *fileName (in)

For Tcl_DumpActiveMemory, name of the file to which memory information will be written.  For Tcl_ValidateAllMemory, name of the file from which the call is being made (normally __FILE__).

int line (in)

Line number at which the call to Tcl_ValidateAllMemory is made (normally __LINE__).


These functions provide access to Tcl memory debugging information. They are only functional when Tcl has been compiled with TCL_MEM_DEBUG defined at compile-time.  When TCL_MEM_DEBUG is not defined, these functions are all no-ops.

Tcl_DumpActiveMemory will output a list of all currently allocated memory to the specified file.  The information output for each allocated block of memory is:  starting and ending addresses (excluding guard zone), size, source file where Tcl_Alloc was called to allocate the block and line number in that file.  It is especially useful to call Tcl_DumpActiveMemory after the Tcl interpreter has been deleted.

Tcl_InitMemory adds the Tcl memory command to the interpreter given by interp.  Tcl_InitMemory is called by Tcl_Main.

Tcl_ValidateAllMemory forces a validation of the guard zones of all currently allocated blocks of memory.  Normally validation of a block occurs when its freed, unless full validation is enabled, in which case validation of all blocks occurs when Tcl_Alloc and Tcl_Free are called.  This function forces the validation to occur at any point.

See Also



memory, debug

Referenced By

The man pages Tcl_InitMemory(3) and Tcl_ValidateAllMemory(3) are aliases of Tcl_DumpActiveMemory(3).

8.1 Tcl Library Procedures