SoVolumeRenderDetail - Man Page
The SoVolumeRenderDetail stores ray intersection information through a volume.
#include <VolumeViz/details/SoVolumeRenderDetail.h>
Inherits SoVolumeDetail.
Static Public Member Functions
static void initClass (void)
Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoVolumeDetail
static void initClass (void)
Additional Inherited Members
Public Member Functions inherited from SoVolumeDetail
virtual SoDetail * copy (void) const
void getProfileObjectPos (SbVec3f profile[2]) const
int getProfileDataPos (SbVec3s profile[2]=0) const
unsigned int getProfileValue (int index, SbVec3s *pos=0, SbVec3f *objpos=0, SbBool flag=FALSE) const
SbBool getFirstNonTransparentValue (unsigned int *value, SbVec3s *pos=0, SbVec3f *objpos=0, SbBool flag=FALSE) const
void setDetails (const SbVec3f raystart, const SbVec3f rayend, SoState *state, SoNode *caller)
Detailed Description
The SoVolumeRenderDetail stores ray intersection information through a volume.
An SoVolumeRenderDetail contains the information about a ray intersecting of a volume rendered with the SoVolumeRender node.
The detail contains a "profile" of voxel values through the volume, where the profile is defined by a start point and an end point.
See the superclass documentation for information on how to extract the information about the ray profile.
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