SoVolumeReader - Man Page
Abstract superclass for all volume data reader classes.
#include <VolumeViz/readers/SoVolumeReader.h>
Inherited by SoVRVolFileReader.
Public Types
Public Member Functions
virtual void setUserData (void *data)
virtual int getNumSignificantBits (void)
virtual void getDataChar (SbBox3f &size, SoVolumeData::DataType &type, SbVec3s &dim)=0
virtual void getSubSlice (SbBox2s &slice, int slicenumber, void *voxels)=0
virtual SbBool getSubVolume (SbBox3s &volume, void *voxels)
virtual SbBool getSubVolume (const SbBox3s &volume, const SbVec3s subsamplelevel, void *&voxels)
virtual SbBool getSubVolumeInfo (SbBox3s &volume, SbVec3s reqsubsamplelevel, SbVec3s &subsamplelevel, SoVolumeReader::CopyPolicy &policy)
SbVec3s getNumVoxels (SbVec3s realsize, SbVec3s subsamplinglevel) const
SbVec3s getSizeToAllocate (SbVec3s realsize, SbVec3s subsamplinglevel) const
int setFilename (const char *filename)
Protected Member Functions
void * getBuffer (int64_t offset, unsigned int size)
int bytesToInt (unsigned char *ptr, int sizeBytes)
void swapBytes (int *intPtr, int sizeBytes)
int64_t fileSize (void)
Protected Attributes
void * m_data
class SoVolumeReaderP
class SoVolumeData
Detailed Description
Abstract superclass for all volume data reader classes.
Member Function Documentation
void SoVolumeReader::setUserData (void * data) [virtual]
Reimplemented in SoVRVolFileReader.
virtual void SoVolumeReader::getDataChar (SbBox3f & size, SoVolumeData::DataType & type, SbVec3s & dim) [pure virtual]
Returns information about the volume data contained in a volume reader. Sub-classes, i.e. the non-abstract readers, needs to implement this function.
size is set to the "world size" of the volume, in unit coordinates.
type is set to either SoVolumeData::UNSIGNED_BYTE or SoVolumeData::UNSIGNED_SHORT, to signify that the voxel values are either 8-bit or 16-bit, respectively.
dim gives the volume dimensions in voxel coordinates, i.e. the number of rows, columns and stacks of voxels along the internal 3 coordinate axes of the volume.
Implemented in SoVRVolFileReader.
virtual void SoVolumeReader::getSubSlice (SbBox2s & subslice, int slicenumber, void * data) [pure virtual]
Extract a subslice from the volume (which may still reside solely on disk). Sub-classes, i.e. the non-abstract readers, needs to implement this function.
Implemented in SoVRVolFileReader.
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