SoVolumeDetail - Man Page

The SoVolumeDetail stores ray intersection information through a volume.


#include <VolumeViz/details/SoVolumeDetail.h>

Inherited by SoVolumeRenderDetail, and SoVolumeSkinDetail.

Public Member Functions

virtual SoDetail * copy (void) const
void getProfileObjectPos (SbVec3f profile[2]) const
int getProfileDataPos (SbVec3s profile[2]=0) const
unsigned int getProfileValue (int index, SbVec3s *pos=0, SbVec3f *objpos=0, SbBool flag=FALSE) const
SbBool getFirstNonTransparentValue (unsigned int *value, SbVec3s *pos=0, SbVec3f *objpos=0, SbBool flag=FALSE) const
void setDetails (const SbVec3f raystart, const SbVec3f rayend, SoState *state, SoNode *caller)

Static Public Member Functions

static void initClass (void)


class SoVolumeDetailP

Detailed Description

The SoVolumeDetail stores ray intersection information through a volume.

An SoVolumeDetail contains the information about a ray intersecting of a volume rendered with the SoVolumeRender node.

The detail contains a "profile" of voxel values through the volume, where the profile is defined by a start point and an end point.

Member Function Documentation

void SoVolumeDetail::getProfileObjectPos (SbVec3f profile[2]) const

Sets start and end points of ray intersecting the volume in the profile argument. The points returned are in object-space coordinates (i.e. in the same geometry unit system as polygon-based geometry in a scene).

int SoVolumeDetail::getProfileDataPos (SbVec3s profile[2] = 0) const

Sets start and end points of ray intersecting the volume in the profile argument. The points returned are in voxel-space coordinates (i.e. within the dimensions of the voxel block).

Returns total number of voxels intersected and stored in the profile. This can be used to iterate over the full profile with the getProfileValue() method.

If profile is NULL, the points will not be set, but the correct number of total profile points will still be returned.

unsigned int SoVolumeDetail::getProfileValue (int index, SbVec3s * pos = 0, SbVec3f * objpos = 0, SbBool flag = FALSE) const

Returns voxel value at the given index along the ray intersection profile.

If pos is not NULL, sets pos argument to voxel-space coordinates for voxel.

If objpos is not NULL, sets objpos argument to object-space coordinates for voxel.

The flag argument is unused and only included for compatibility with TGS Inventor's VolumeViz extension. (Where it seems to be undocumented.)

SbBool SoVolumeDetail::getFirstNonTransparentValue (unsigned int * value, SbVec3s * pos = 0, SbVec3f * objpos = 0, SbBool flag = FALSE) const

Fills in the information about the first voxel along the pick ray intersection which is not completely transparent.

Returns FALSE if all voxels along pick ray was fully transparent, otherwise TRUE.

Sets value to the value of the voxel.

If pos is not NULL, sets pos argument to voxel-space coordinates for the first voxel with some opaqueness.

If objpos is not NULL, sets objpos argument to object-space coordinates for the first voxel with some opaqueness.

The flag argument is unused and only included for compatibility with TGS Inventor's VolumeViz extension. (Where it seems to be undocumented.)

void SoVolumeDetail::setDetails (const SbVec3f raystart, const SbVec3f rayend, SoState * state, SoNode * caller)

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

Used to set raypick details.
NOTE: This method takes different arguments than the TGS equivalent.

Referenced by SoVolumeRender::rayPick().


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