SDL_strchr - Man Page
Search a string for the first instance of a specific byte.
Header File
Defined in SDL3/SDL_stdinc.h
#include "SDL3/SDL.h" char * SDL_strchr(const char *str, int c);
The search ends once it finds the requested byte value, or a null terminator byte to end the string.
Note that this looks for _bytes_, not _characters_, so you cannot match against a Unicode codepoint > 255, regardless of character encoding.
Function Parameters
- str
the string to search. Must not be NULL.
- c
the byte value to search for.
Return Value
Returns a pointer to the first instance of c in the string, or NULL if not found.
Thread Safety
It is safe to call this function from any thread.
This function is available since SDL 3.2.0.
SDL 3.2.8 Simple Directmedia Layer SDL3 FUNCTIONS