SDL_clamp - Man Page
Return a value clamped to a range.
Header File
Defined in SDL3/SDL_stdinc.h
#include "SDL3/SDL.h" #define SDL_clamp(x, a, b) (((x) < (a)) ? (a) : (((x) > (b)) ? (b) : (x)))
If x is outside the range a values between a and b , the returned value will be a or b as appropriate. Otherwise, x is returned.
This macro will produce incorrect results if b is less than a .
This is a helper macro that might be more clear than writing out the comparisons directly, and works with any type that can be compared with the < and > operators. However, it double-evaluates all its parameters, so do not use expressions with side-effects here.
Return Value
Returns x, clamped between a and b.
Thread Safety
It is safe to call this macro from any thread.
This macro is available since SDL 3.2.0.
SDL 3.2.2 Simple Directmedia Layer SDL3 FUNCTIONS