SDL_TryLockMutex - Man Page
Try to lock a mutex without blocking.
Header File
Defined in SDL3/SDL_mutex.h
#include "SDL3/SDL.h" bool SDL_TryLockMutex(SDL_Mutex *mutex);
This works just like SDL_LockMutex (), but if the mutex is not available, this function returns false immediately.
This technique is useful if you need exclusive access to a resource but don't want to wait for it, and will return to it to try again later.
This function returns true if passed a NULL mutex.
Function Parameters
- mutex
the mutex to try to lock.
Return Value
Returns true on success, false if the mutex would block.
This function is available since SDL 3.2.0.
See Also
·(3), SDL_LockMutex(3), ·(3), SDL_UnlockMutex(3)
Referenced By
SDL_CreateMutex(3), SDL_LockMutex(3), SDL_UnlockMutex(3).
SDL 3.2.2 Simple Directmedia Layer SDL3 FUNCTIONS