SDL_TryLockMutex - Man Page

Try to lock a mutex without blocking.

Header File

Defined in SDL3/SDL_mutex.h


#include "SDL3/SDL.h"

bool SDL_TryLockMutex(SDL_Mutex *mutex);


This works just like SDL_LockMutex (), but if the mutex is not available, this function returns false immediately.

This technique is useful if you need exclusive access to a resource but don't want to wait for it, and will return to it to try again later.

This function returns true if passed a NULL mutex.

Function Parameters


the mutex to try to lock.

Return Value

Returns true on success, false if the mutex would block.


This function is available since SDL 3.2.0.

See Also

·(3), SDL_LockMutex(3), ·(3), SDL_UnlockMutex(3)

Referenced By

SDL_CreateMutex(3), SDL_LockMutex(3), SDL_UnlockMutex(3).

SDL 3.2.2 Simple Directmedia Layer SDL3 FUNCTIONS