SDL_Swap16 - Man Page

Byte-swap an unsigned 16-bit number.

Header File

Defined in SDL3/SDL_endian.h


#include "SDL3/SDL.h"

SDL_FORCE_INLINE Uint16 SDL_Swap16(Uint16 x);


This will always byte-swap the value, whether it's currently in the native byteorder of the system or not. You should use SDL_Swap16LE

or SDL_Swap16BE
instead, in most cases.

Note that this is a forced-inline function in a header, and not a public API function available in the SDL library (which is to say, the code is embedded in the calling program and the linker and dynamic loader will not be able to find this function inside SDL itself).

Function Parameters


the value to byte-swap.

Return Value

( Uint16 ) Returns x , with its bytes in the opposite endian order.

Thread Safety

It is safe to call this function from any thread.


This function is available since SDL 3.2.0.


SDL 3.2.8 Simple Directmedia Layer SDL3 FUNCTIONS