SDL_RunApp - Man Page

Initializes and launches an SDL application, by doing platform-specific initialization before calling your mainFunction and cleanups after it returns, if that is needed for a specific platform, otherwise it just calls mainFunction.

Header File

Defined in SDL3/SDL_main.h


#include "SDL3/SDL.h"

int SDL_RunApp(int argc, char *argv[], SDL_main_func mainFunction, void *reserved);


You can use this if you want to use your own main() implementation without using SDL_main
(like when using

SDL_MAIN_HANDLED ). When using this, you do not need

SDL_SetMainReady ().

Function Parameters


the argc parameter from the application's main() function, or 0 if the platform's main-equivalent has no argc.


the argv parameter from the application's main() function, or NULL if the platform's main-equivalent has no argv.


your SDL app's C-style main(). NOT the function you're calling this from! Its name doesn't matter; it doesn't literally have to be main .


should be NULL (reserved for future use, will probably be platform-specific then).

Return Value

Returns the return value from mainFunction: 0 on success, otherwise failure; SDL_GetError () might have more information on the failure.

Thread Safety

Generally this is called once, near startup, from the process's initial thread.


This function is available since SDL 3.2.0.


SDL 3.2.8 Simple Directmedia Layer SDL3 FUNCTIONS