SDL_HapticEffect.3type - Man Page

The generic template for any haptic effect.

Header File

Defined in SDL3/SDL_haptic.h


#include "SDL3/SDL.h"

typedef union SDL_HapticEffect
    /* Common for all force feedback effects */
    Uint16 type;                    /**< Effect type. */
    SDL_HapticConstant constant;    /**< Constant effect. */
    SDL_HapticPeriodic periodic;    /**< Periodic effect. */
    SDL_HapticCondition condition;  /**< Condition effect. */
    SDL_HapticRamp ramp;            /**< Ramp effect. */
    SDL_HapticLeftRight leftright;  /**< Left/Right effect. */
    SDL_HapticCustom custom;        /**< Custom effect. */
} SDL_HapticEffect;


All values max at 32767 (0x7FFF). Signed values also can be negative. Time values unless specified otherwise are in milliseconds.

You can also pass SDL_HAPTIC_INFINITY
to length instead of a 0-32767 value. Neither delay, interval, attack_length nor fade_length support SDL_HAPTIC_INFINITY . Fade will also not be used since effect never ends.

Additionally, the SDL_HAPTIC_RAMP
effect does not support a duration of SDL_HAPTIC_INFINITY .

Button triggers may not be supported on all devices, it is advised to not use them if possible. Buttons start at index 1 instead of index 0 like the joystick.

If both attack_length and fade_level are 0, the envelope is not used, otherwise both values are used.

Common parts:

 // Replay - All effects have this
 Uint32 length;        // Duration of effect (ms).
 Uint16 delay;         // Delay before starting effect.

 // Trigger - All effects have this
 Uint16 button;        // Button that triggers effect.
 Uint16 interval;      // How soon before effect can be triggered again.

 // Envelope - All effects except condition effects have this
 Uint16 attack_length; // Duration of the attack (ms).
 Uint16 attack_level;  // Level at the start of the attack.
 Uint16 fade_length;   // Duration of the fade out (ms).
 Uint16 fade_level;    // Level at the end of the fade.

Here we have an example of a constant effect evolution in time:

 |    effect level -->  _________________
 |                     /                  |                    /                    |                   /                      |                  /                        | attack_level --> |                         |                  |                        |  <---  fade_level
 +--------------------------------------------------> Time
                    [--]                 [---]
                    attack_length        fade_length

 delay               length

Note either the attack_level or the fade_level may be above the actual effect level.


This struct is available since SDL 3.2.0.

See Also

·(3), SDL_HapticConstant(3type), ·(3), SDL_HapticPeriodic(3type), ·(3), SDL_HapticCondition(3type), ·(3), SDL_HapticRamp(3type), ·(3), SDL_HapticLeftRight(3type), ·(3), SDL_HapticCustom(3type)


SDL 3.2.2 Simple Directmedia Layer SDL3 DATATYPES