SDL_GetFullscreenDisplayModes - Man Page

Get a list of fullscreen display modes available on a display.

Header File

Defined in SDL3/SDL_video.h


#include "SDL3/SDL.h"

SDL_DisplayMode ** SDL_GetFullscreenDisplayModes(SDL_DisplayID displayID, int *count);


The display modes are sorted in this priority:

· w -> largest to smallest

· h -> largest to smallest

· bits per pixel -> more colors to fewer colors

· packed pixel layout -> largest to smallest

· refresh rate -> highest to lowest

· pixel density -> lowest to highest

Function Parameters


the instance ID of the display to query.


a pointer filled in with the number of display modes returned, may be NULL.

Return Value

( SDL_DisplayMode ) Returns a NULL terminated array of display mode pointers or NULL on failure; call

SDL_GetError () for more information. This is a single allocation that should be freed with SDL_free () when it is no longer needed.

Thread Safety

This function should only be called on the main thread.


This function is available since SDL 3.2.0.

See Also

·(3), SDL_GetDisplays(3)

Referenced By

SDL_DisplayMode.3type(3), SDL_GetClosestFullscreenDisplayMode(3).

SDL 3.2.8 Simple Directmedia Layer SDL3 FUNCTIONS