SDL_EGLIntArrayCallback.3type - Man Page
EGL surface/context attribute initialization callback types.
Header File
Defined in SDL3/SDL_video.h
#include "SDL3/SDL.h" typedef SDL_EGLint *(SDLCALL *SDL_EGLIntArrayCallback)(void *userdata, SDL_EGLDisplay display, SDL_EGLConfig config);
This is called when SDL is attempting to create an EGL surface, to let the app add extra attributes to its eglCreateWindowSurface() or eglCreateContext calls.
For convenience, the EGLDisplay and EGLConfig to use are provided to the callback.
The callback should return a pointer to an EGL attribute array terminated with EGL_NONE . If this function returns NULL, the
process will fail gracefully.
The returned pointer should be allocated with SDL_malloc () and will be passed to SDL_free ().
The arrays returned by each callback will be appended to the existing attribute arrays defined by SDL.
Function Parameters
- userdata
an app-controlled pointer that is passed to the callback.
- display
the EGL display to be used.
- config
the EGL config to be used.
Return Value
Returns a newly-allocated array of attributes, terminated with EGL_NONE .
This datatype is available since SDL 3.2.0.