SDL_AddGamepadMappingsFromFile - Man Page
Load a set of gamepad mappings from a file.
Header File
Defined in SDL3/SDL_gamepad.h
#include "SDL3/SDL.h" int SDL_AddGamepadMappingsFromFile(const char *file);
You can call this function several times, if needed, to load different database files.
If a new mapping is loaded for an already known gamepad GUID, the later version will overwrite the one currently loaded.
Any new mappings for already plugged in controllers will generate
Mappings not belonging to the current platform or with no platform field specified will be ignored (i.e. mappings for Linux will be ignored in Windows, etc).
Function Parameters
- file
the mappings file to load.
Return Value
Returns the number of mappings added or -1 on failure; call
SDL_GetError () for more information.
Thread Safety
It is safe to call this function from any thread.
This function is available since SDL 3.2.0.
See Also
·(3), SDL_AddGamepadMapping(3), ·(3), SDL_AddGamepadMappingsFromIO(3), ·(3), SDL_GetGamepadMapping(3), ·(3), SDL_GetGamepadMappingForGUID(3), ·(3), SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG(3), ·(3), SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG_FILE(3), ·(3), SDL_EVENT_GAMEPAD_ADDED(3)
Referenced By
SDL_AddGamepadMapping(3), SDL_AddGamepadMappingsFromIO(3).