PAPI_hw_info_t - Man Page

Hardware info structure.


#include <papi.h>

Data Fields

int ncpu
int threads
int cores
int sockets
int nnodes
int totalcpus
int vendor
char vendor_string [128]
int model
char model_string [128]
float revision
int cpuid_family
int cpuid_model
int cpuid_stepping
int cpu_max_mhz
int cpu_min_mhz
PAPI_mh_info_t mem_hierarchy
int virtualized
char virtual_vendor_string [128]
char virtual_vendor_version [128]
float mhz
int clock_mhz
int reserved [8]

Field Documentation

int PAPI_hw_info_t::clock_mhz


int PAPI_hw_info_t::cores

Number of cores per socket

int PAPI_hw_info_t::cpu_max_mhz

Maximum supported CPU speed

int PAPI_hw_info_t::cpu_min_mhz

Minimum supported CPU speed

int PAPI_hw_info_t::cpuid_family

cpuid family

int PAPI_hw_info_t::cpuid_model

cpuid model

int PAPI_hw_info_t::cpuid_stepping

cpuid stepping

PAPI_mh_info_t PAPI_hw_info_t::mem_hierarchy

PAPI memory hierarchy description

float PAPI_hw_info_t::mhz


int PAPI_hw_info_t::model

Model number of CPU

char PAPI_hw_info_t::model_string[128]

Model string of CPU

int PAPI_hw_info_t::ncpu

Number of CPUs per NUMA Node

int PAPI_hw_info_t::nnodes

Total Number of NUMA Nodes

float PAPI_hw_info_t::revision

Revision of CPU

int PAPI_hw_info_t::sockets

Number of sockets

int PAPI_hw_info_t::threads

Number of hdw threads per core

int PAPI_hw_info_t::totalcpus

Total number of CPUs in the entire system

int PAPI_hw_info_t::vendor

Vendor number of CPU

char PAPI_hw_info_t::vendor_string[128]

Vendor string of CPU

char PAPI_hw_info_t::virtual_vendor_string[128]

Vendor for virtual machine

char PAPI_hw_info_t::virtual_vendor_version[128]

Version of virtual machine

int PAPI_hw_info_t::virtualized

Running in virtual machine


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Thu Jan 23 2025 00:00:00 Version PAPI