Mail::MIMEDefang::DKIM::ARC - Man Page
ARC interface for MIMEDefang
Mail::MIMEDefang::DKIM::ARC is a module with a set of ARC related methods called from mimedefang-filter to operate with ARC signatures.
- md_arc_sign
Returns an hash with mail headers and the ARC signature for the message. If ARC sign fails the hash will contain an error message. The method accepts the following parameters:
- $keyfile
The path to the private ARC key
- $algorithm
The algorithm to be used to sign the message, by default is 'rsa-sha256'
- $chain
The cv= value for the Arc-Seal header. "ar" means to copy it from an Authentication-Results header, or use none if there isn't one.
- $domain
The domain to be used when signing the message.
- $srvid
The authserv-id in the Authentication-Results headers, defaults to Domain.
- $selector
The selector to be used when signing the message, by default it's 'default'
- $headers
The headers to sign, by default the headers are:
From Sender Reply-To Subject Date
Message-ID To Cc MIME-Version
Content-Type Content-Transfer-Encoding Content-ID Content-Description
Resent-Date Resent-From Resent-Sender Resent-To Resent-cc
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