HPL_pdpanel_disp - Man Page
Deallocate a panel data structure.
#include "hpl.h"
int HPL_pdpanel_disp( HPL_T_panel * * PANEL );
HPL_pdpanel_disp deallocates the panel structure and resources and stores the error code returned by the panel factorization.
- PANEL (local input/output) HPL_T_panel * *
On entry, PANEL points to the address of the panel data structure to be deallocated.
See Also
HPL_pdpanel_new (3), HPL_pdpanel_init (3), HPL_pdpanel_free (3).
Referenced By
HPL_pdpanel_free(3), HPL_pdpanel_init(3), HPL_pdpanel_new(3).
February 24, 2016 HPL 2.2 HPL Library Functions