HPL_pdinfo - Man Page

Read input parameter file.


#include "hpl.h"
 void HPL_pdinfo( HPL_T_test * TEST, int * NS, int * N, int * NBS, int * NB, HPL_T_ORDER * PMAPPIN, int * NPQS, int * P, int * Q, int * NPFS, HPL_T_FACT * PF, int * NBMS, int * NBM, int * NDVS, int * NDV, int * NRFS, HPL_T_FACT * RF, int * NTPS, HPL_T_TOP * TP, int * NDHS, int * DH, HPL_T_SWAP * FSWAP, int * TSWAP, int * L1NOTRAN, int * UNOTRAN, int * EQUIL, int * ALIGN );


HPL_pdinfo reads  the  startup  information for the various tests and transmits it to all processes.


TEST    (global output)         HPL_T_test *

On entry, TEST  points to a testing data structure.  On exit, the fields of this data structure are initialized as follows: TEST->outfp  specifies the output file where the results will be printed.  It is only defined and used by  the process 0 of the grid.  TEST->thrsh specifies the threshhold value for the test ratio.  TEST->epsil is the relative machine precision of the distributed computer.  Finally  the test counters, kfail, kpass, kskip, ktest are initialized to zero.

NS      (global output)         int *

On exit,  NS  specifies the number of different problem sizes to be tested. NS is less than or equal to HPL_MAX_PARAM.

N       (global output)         int *

On entry, N is an array of dimension HPL_MAX_PARAM.  On exit, the first NS entries of this array contain the  problem sizes to run the code with.

NBS     (global output)         int *

On exit,  NBS  specifies the number of different distribution blocking factors to be tested. NBS must be less than or equal to HPL_MAX_PARAM.

NB      (global output)         int *

On exit,  PMAPPIN  specifies the process mapping onto the no- des of the  MPI machine configuration.  PMAPPIN  defaults  to row-major ordering.

PMAPPIN (global output)         HPL_T_ORDER *

On entry, NB is an array of dimension HPL_MAX_PARAM. On exit, the first NBS entries of this array contain the values of the various distribution blocking factors, to run the code with.

NPQS    (global output)         int *

On exit, NPQS  specifies the  number of different values that can be used for P and Q, i.e., the number of process grids to run  the  code with.  NPQS must be  less  than  or  equal  to HPL_MAX_PARAM.

P       (global output)         int *

On entry, P  is an array of dimension HPL_MAX_PARAM. On exit, the first NPQS entries of this array contain the values of P, the number of process rows of the  NPQS grids to run the code with.

Q       (global output)         int *

On entry, Q  is an array of dimension HPL_MAX_PARAM. On exit, the first NPQS entries of this array contain the values of Q, the number of process columns of the  NPQS  grids to  run the code with.

NPFS    (global output)         int *

On exit, NPFS  specifies the  number of different values that can be used for PF : the panel factorization algorithm to run the code with. NPFS is less than or equal to HPL_MAX_PARAM.

PF      (global output)         HPL_T_FACT *

On entry, PF is an array of dimension HPL_MAX_PARAM. On exit, the first  NPFS  entries  of this array  contain  the various panel factorization algorithms to run the code with.

NBMS    (global output)         int *

On exit,  NBMS  specifies  the  number  of  various recursive stopping criteria  to be tested.  NBMS  must be  less than or equal to HPL_MAX_PARAM.

NBM     (global output)         int *

On entry,  NBM  is an array of  dimension  HPL_MAX_PARAM.  On exit, the first NBMS entries of this array contain the values of the various recursive stopping criteria to be tested.

NDVS    (global output)         int *

On exit,  NDVS  specifies  the number  of various numbers  of panels in recursion to be tested.  NDVS is less than or equal to HPL_MAX_PARAM.

NDV     (global output)         int *

On entry,  NDV  is an array of  dimension  HPL_MAX_PARAM.  On exit, the first NDVS entries of this array contain the values of the various numbers of panels in recursion to be tested.

NRFS    (global output)         int *

On exit, NRFS  specifies the  number of different values that can be used for RF : the recursive factorization algorithm to be tested. NRFS is less than or equal to HPL_MAX_PARAM.

RF      (global output)         HPL_T_FACT *

On entry, RF is an array of dimension HPL_MAX_PARAM. On exit, the first  NRFS  entries  of  this array contain  the various recursive factorization algorithms to run the code with.

NTPS    (global output)         int *

On exit, NTPS  specifies the  number of different values that can be used for the  broadcast topologies  to be tested. NTPS is less than or equal to HPL_MAX_PARAM.

TP      (global output)         HPL_T_TOP *

On entry, TP is an array of dimension HPL_MAX_PARAM. On exit, the  first NTPS  entries of this  array  contain  the various broadcast (along rows) topologies to run the code with.

NDHS    (global output)         int *

On exit, NDHS  specifies the  number of different values that can be used for the  lookahead depths to be  tested.  NDHS is less than or equal to HPL_MAX_PARAM.

DH      (global output)         int *

On entry,  DH  is  an array of  dimension  HPL_MAX_PARAM.  On exit, the first NDHS entries of this array contain the values of lookahead depths to run the code with.  Such a value is at least 0 (no-lookahead) or greater than zero.

FSWAP   (global output)         HPL_T_SWAP *

On exit, FSWAP specifies the swapping algorithm to be used in all tests.

TSWAP   (global output)         int *

On exit,  TSWAP  specifies the swapping threshold as a number of columns when the mixed swapping algorithm was chosen.

L1NOTRA (global output)         int *

On exit, L1NOTRAN specifies whether the upper triangle of the panels of columns  should  be stored  in  no-transposed  form (L1NOTRAN=1) or in transposed form (L1NOTRAN=0).

UNOTRAN (global output)         int *

On exit, UNOTRAN  specifies whether the panels of rows should be stored in  no-transposed form  (UNOTRAN=1)  or  transposed form (UNOTRAN=0) during their broadcast.

EQUIL   (global output)         int *

On exit,  EQUIL  specifies  whether  equilibration during the swap-broadcast  of  the  panel of rows  should  be  performed (EQUIL=1) or not (EQUIL=0).

ALIGN   (global output)         int *

On exit,  ALIGN  specifies the alignment  of  the dynamically allocated buffers in double precision words. ALIGN is greater than zero.

See Also

HPL_pddriver (3), HPL_pdtest (3).

Referenced By

HPL_pddriver(3), HPL_pdtest(3).

February 24, 2016 HPL 2.2 HPL Library Functions