HPL_packL - Man Page
Form the MPI structure for the row ring broadcasts.
#include "hpl.h"
int HPL_packL( HPL_T_panel * PANEL, const int INDEX, const int LEN, const int IBUF );
HPL_packL forms the MPI data type for the panel to be broadcast. Successful completion is indicated by the returned error code MPI_SUCCESS.
- PANEL (input/output) HPL_T_panel *
On entry, PANEL points to the current panel data structure being broadcast.
- INDEX (input) const int
On entry, INDEX points to the first entry of the packed buffer being broadcast.
- LEN (input) const int
On entry, LEN is the length of the packed buffer.
- IBUF (input) const int
On entry, IBUF specifies the panel buffer/count/type entries that should be initialized.
See Also
February 24, 2016 HPL 2.2 HPL Library Functions