CMCIClientFT.getInstance - Man Page
Get class instance
#include <cmci.h> CMPIInstance* CMCIClientFT.getInstance(CMCIClient*cl, CMPIObjectPath*op, CMPIFlagsflags, char**properties, CMPIStatus*rc);
Get class instance using op as reference. The content of the returned class instance structure can be controled using the flags parameter.
Arguments are the client object pointer cl, ObjectPath object pointer op that contains namespace and classname components, flags to affect the returned class instance structure content,
properties array, and rc which returns the operation status (suppressed when NULL).
The flags argument is a bit mask that can contain combinations of the following flags - CMPI_FLAG_LocalOnly, CMPI_FLAG_IncludeQualifiers, and CMPI_FLAG_IncludeClassOrigin.
The properties array defines what properties should be returned for the class. If this argument is not NULL, only the class properties in the list are returned. If it's NULL all class properties are returned.
Return Value
When successful the CMCIClientFT.getInstance() function returns a pointer to a CMPIInstance object and sets a successful status code for rc. When unsuccessful it returns NULL and sets the rc argument with the error code and and corresponding error string.
Conforming to
See Also
Common Manageability Programming Interface (CMPI) - OpenGroup,
CMCIClient(3), CMPIInstance(3), CMPIObjectPath(3), CMPIFlags(3), CMPIStatus(3)