Section 1p : POSIX Commands

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Man pages in this section
aliasdefine or display aliases
arcreate and maintain library archives
asainterpret carriage-control characters
atexecute commands at a later time
awkpattern scanning and processing language
basenamereturn non-directory portion of a pathname
batchschedule commands to be executed in a batch queue
bcarbitrary-precision arithmetic language
bgrun jobs in the background
breakexit from for, while, or until loop
c99compile standard C programs
calprint a calendar
catconcatenate and print files
cdchange the working directory
cflowgenerate a C-language flowgraph (DEVELOPMENT)
chgrpchange the file group ownership
chmodchange the file modes
chownchange the file ownership
cksumwrite file checksums and sizes
cmpcompare two files
colonnull utility
commselect or reject lines common to two files
commandexecute a simple command
compresscompress data
continuecontinue for, while, or until loop
cpcopy files
crontabschedule periodic background work
csplitsplit files based on context
ctagscreate a tags file (DEVELOPMENT, FORTRAN)
cutcut out selected fields of each line of a file
cxrefgenerate a C-language program cross-reference table (DEVELOPMENT)
datewrite the date and time
ddconvert and copy a file
dfreport free disk space
diffcompare two files
dirnamereturn the directory portion of a pathname
dotexecute commands in the current environment
duestimate file space usage
echowrite arguments to standard output
ededit text
envset the environment for command invocation
evalconstruct command by concatenating arguments
extext editor
execexecute commands and open, close, or copy file descriptors
exitcause the shell to exit
expandconvert tabs to spaces
exportset the export attribute for variables
exprevaluate arguments as an expression
falsereturn false value
fcprocess the command history list
fgrun jobs in the foreground
filedetermine file type
findfind files
foldfilter for folding lines
fort77FORTRAN compiler (FORTRAN)
fuserlist process IDs of all processes that have one or more files open
gencatgenerate a formatted message catalog
getconfget configuration values
getoptsparse utility options
grepsearch a file for a pattern
hashremember or report utility locations
headcopy the first part of files
iconvcodeset conversion
idreturn user identity
ipcrmremove an XSI message queue, semaphore set, or shared memory segment identifier
ipcsreport XSI interprocess communication facilities status
jobsdisplay status of jobs in the current session
joinrelational database operator
killterminate or signal processes
lexgenerate programs for lexical tasks (DEVELOPMENT)
linkcall link() function
lnlink files
localeget locale-specific information
localedefdefine locale environment
loggerlog messages
lognamereturn the user's login name
lpsend files to a printer
lslist directory contents
m4macro processor
mailxprocess messages
makemaintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs (DEVELOPMENT)
mandisplay system documentation
mesgpermit or deny messages
mkdirmake directories
mkfifomake FIFO special files
moredisplay files on a page-by-page basis
mvmove files
newgrpchange to a new group
niceinvoke a utility with an altered nice value
nlline numbering filter
nmwrite the name list of an object file (DEVELOPMENT)
nohupinvoke a utility immune to hangups
oddump files in various formats
pastemerge corresponding or subsequent lines of files
patchapply changes to files
pathchkcheck pathnames
paxportable archive interchange
prprint files
printfwrite formatted output
psreport process status
pwdreturn working directory name
qalteralter batch job
qdeldelete batch jobs
qholdhold batch jobs
qmovemove batch jobs
qmsgsend message to batch jobs
qrerunrerun batch jobs
qrlsrelease batch jobs
qselectselect batch jobs
qsigsignal batch jobs
qstatshow status of batch jobs
qsubsubmit a script
readread from standard input into shell variables
readonlyset the readonly attribute for variables
reniceset nice values of running processes
returnreturn from a function or dot script
rmremove directory entries
rmdirremove directories
sedstream editor
setset or unset options and positional parameters
shshell, the standard command language interpreter
shiftshift positional parameters
sleepsuspend execution for an interval
sortsort, merge, or sequence check text files
splitsplit a file into pieces
stringsfind printable strings in files
stripremove unnecessary information from strippable files (DEVELOPMENT)
sttyset the options for a terminal
tabsset terminal tabs
tailcopy the last part of a file
talktalk to another user
teeduplicate standard input
testevaluate expression
timetime a simple command
timeswrite process times
touchchange file access and modification times
tputchange terminal characteristics
trtranslate characters
traptrap signals
truereturn true value
tsorttopological sort
ttyreturn user's terminal name
typewrite a description of command type
ulimitset or report file size limit
umaskget or set the file mode creation mask
unaliasremove alias definitions
unamereturn system name
uncompressexpand compressed data
unexpandconvert spaces to tabs
uniqreport or filter out repeated lines in a file
unlinkcall the unlink() function
unsetunset values and attributes of variables and functions
uucpsystem-to-system copy
uudecodedecode a binary file
uuencodeencode a binary file
uustatuucp status enquiry and job control
uuxremote command execution
viscreen-oriented (visual) display editor
waitawait process completion
wcword, line, and byte or character count
whodisplay who is on the system
writewrite to another user
xargsconstruct argument lists and invoke utility
yaccyet another compiler compiler (DEVELOPMENT)
zcatexpand and concatenate data