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zuluMount-cli - Man Page

command line tool that manages encrypted and unencrypted volumes


zuluMount-cli is a tool that has a primary mission of opening and closing encrypted volumes as well as mounting and unmounting unecrypted volumes and opened encrypted ones.Its primary purpose is to do what tools like udisks does.


usage: see examples below

-m -- mount a volume : arguments: -d volume_path -z mount_point -e mode(rw/ro)
     -- additional arguments for crypto_LUKS,crypto_PLAIN,crypto_TCRYPT volumes, -p passphrase/-f keyfile
-z -- mount point component to append to "/run/media/private/$USER/"
-u -- unmount a volume: arguments: -d volume_path
-s -- print properties of an encrypted volume: arguments: -d volume_path
-o -- offset in sectors on where the volume starts in the volume.The volume is assumed to be plain type with this option
     and the option must be given when -u or -s arguments are used with a volume opened with this option
-M -- this option will create a mount point in "/run/media/private/$USER/" and a publicly accessible "mirror" in "/run/media/public/'
-l -- print expanded list of all volumes
-Y -- file system options
-e -- mount options
-t -- volume type to assume when unlocking a volume.Use "vera" when unlocking a VeraCrypt volume.
-L -- must be used with -d,print properties of a volume specified by d option
-P -- print a list of all volumes
-A -- print a list of all volumes
-S -- print a list of system volumes
-N -- print a list of non system volumes
-E -- print a list of mounted volumes
-D -- get a device node address from its mapper path( mapper paths are usually located in /dev/mapper ). Required argument: -d
-F -- path to truecrypt multiple keyfiles.Keyfiles are separated by "\011" character sequence
mount a volume  : zuluMount-cli -m -d /dev/sdc1
unmount a volume: zuluMount-cli -u -d /dev/sdc1
mount an encrypted volume with a key "xyz" : zuluMount-cli -m -d /dev/sdc2 -p xyz

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Last change: Fri Mar 13 01:12:21 EAT 2015