ztee - Man Page

output buffer and splitter


ztee [ Options... ] [ FILE... ]


ZTee is an output buffer and splitter for use with ZMap output data. ZTee should be used whenever ZMap is piped into an application scanner, placed between ZMap and the application scanner. ZTee writes the transformed output to stdout, and writes the original output to FILE.

See --help for examples.

CSV Processing and Raw Mode

ZTee operates by default on CSV-format output from ZMap. It only outputs IP addresses (from the input´s ip or saddr field) to stdout, while writing all input to the output file. ZTee does not print the first line of input to stdout, since that row is the CSV header.

To operate on data in any other format, pass the --raw flag. In raw mode, ztee behaves like tee: it will not transform or attempt to parse the input data.


Basic Options

-r,  --raw

Ignore input formatting and pass through raw input. This causes ztee to behave exactly like tee, with the addition of buffering.


Only write to stdout rows where success=1 or success=true. Invalid in combination with --raw.

-m,  --monitor

Print monitor data to stderr

-u,  --status-updates-file

Write status updates (monitor data) to the given file, in CSV format

-l, --log-file=name

Write errors etc. to the given file. If none, ZTee logs to stderr.

Additional Options

-h,  --help

Display help

-V,  --version

Display version


November 2023 ZMap