zlint - Man Page

manual page for zlint 3.5.0


zlint [flags] file...


ZLint version dev-unknown

-config string

A path to valid a TOML file that is to service as the configuration for a single run of ZLint


Print a complete example of a configuration that is usable via the '-config' flag and exit. All values listed in this example will be set to their default.

-excludeNames string

Comma-separated list of lints to exclude by name

-excludeSources string

Comma-separated list of lint sources to exclude

-format string

One of {pem, der, base64} (default "pem")

-includeNames string

Comma-separated list of lints to include by name

-includeSources string

Comma-separated list of lint sources to include


Print lints in JSON format, one per line


Print list of lint sources, one per line


Print profiles in JSON format, one per line


Prints a human-readable summary report with details

-nameFilter string

Only run lints with a name matching the provided regex. (Can not be used with -includeNames/-excludeNames)


Pretty-print JSON output

-profile string

Name of the linting profile to use. Equivalent to enumerating all of the lints in a given profile using includeNames


Prints a short human-readable summary report


Print ZLint version and exit


July 2024 zlint 3.5.0