zimpl - Man Page

Zuse Institute Mathematical Programming Language


zimpl [ -b ] [ -D name=value ] [ -f ] [ -F filter ] [ -h ] [ -m ] [ -l length [ -n cm|cn|cf ] [ -o outfile ] [ -O ] [ -P filter [ -r ] [ -t lp|mps|hum|rlp|pip ] [ -s seed ] [ -v 0-5 ] [ -V ] file ...


Zimpl is a little language to translate the mathematical model of a problem into a linear or (mixed-)integer mathematical program expressed in LPF or MPS file format which can be read by a LP or MIP solver.

None of the options is necessary. All input files in zpl format that are given are concatenated and processed as if they are one big file. This makes is possible to combine different parts of a model on the command line. In this case the first filename given will be used as basename for the output files in absence of an -o option.

The -t option is to select the output format. mps can be read by every solver. lpf is a CPLEX format, but can also read by several solvers. BE aware that for example Range-rows can not be expressed in lpf . If you would like to inspected the output yourself, hum format is a variant of lpf with no name mangeling whatever, but unfortunately this violates several format restrictions, so no solver will read this in. If rlp is specified the output is in lpf format, but rows and columns are randomly permuted.



Enable bison(1) debugging output.

-D name=value

Sets the parameter name to the specified value. This is equivalent with having this line in the Zimpl program: param name:=val .


Enable flex(1) debugging output.

-F filter

The output is piped through a filter. A %s in the string is replaced by the output filename. For example:  -F "gzip -c >%s.gz" would compress all the  output files.


Show program help.

-l length

Sets the maximum length for variable names in LPF output files.


Write a CPLEX .mst Mip STart file.

-n cm|cn|cf

Select the format for the generation of constraint names. Can be either cm which will number them  1 ... n with a `c' in front. cn will use the name supplied in the subto statement and  number them 1 ... n within the statement. cf will use the name given with the subto, then a 1 .. n number like in cm and then append all the local variables from the forall statements.

-o outfile

Sets the base-name for the output files. Default is the name of the input file without extension.


Optimize the generated LP by doing some presolve analysis (experimental).

-P filter

The input is piped through a filter. A %s in the string is replaced by the input filename. For example:  -F "cpp -DWITH_C1 %s" would pass the input file through the C-preprocessor.


Write a CPLEX .ord branching order file.

-s seed

Set the random number generator seed.

-t lp|mps|hum|rlp|pip

Selects the output format. Can be either lp which is default, or mps , or hum , which is (only) human readable, or rlp , which is randomly permuted, or pip , which means polynimial IP.

-v 0-5

Set the verbosity level. 0 is quiet, 1 is default, 2 is verbose, 3 is chatter, and 5 is debug.


Prints the version number.


The following diagnostics may be issued on stderr:

101 Bad filename

The name given with the -o option is either missing, a directory name, or starts with a dot.

175 Illegal syntax for command line define -- ignored

The parameter of a -D option was either not of the form name=value or the name was not a legal identifier.

There are about a hundred other possible error messages, but these are either about the contend of the input file, or system messages.


Please report any bug to the author.


Thorsten Koch <koch@zib.de>


The lastest version of Zimpl is always available at <http://zimpl.zib.de>.

See Also

The Zimpl User Guide at <http://zimpl.zib.de/download/zimpl.pdf>.


14 Mar 2017 Linux User Manuals