xnvme-format - Man Page

Format a NVM namespace


xnvme format <uri> [<args>]


Format a NVM namespace



Device URI e.g. '/dev/nvme0n1', '0000:01:00.1', '', '\.PhysicalDrive1'


[ --nsid 0xNUM ]

Namespace Identifier for Command Construction

[ --lbafl 0xNUM ]

Least significant 4 bits of LBA Format Index

[ --lbafu 0xNUM ]

Most significant 2 bits of LBA Format Index

[ --mset 0xNUM ]

Metadata settings. Off=0x0, On=0x1

[ --ses 0xNUM ]

Secure Erase setting. No=0x0, UserData=0x1, Cryptographic=0x2

[ --pi 0xNUM ]

Protection Information. Off=0x0, Type1/2/3=0x1/0x2/0x3

[ --pil 0xNUM ]

Protection Information Location. Last=0x0, First=0x1

[ --subnqn STRING ]

Subsystem NQN of the NVMe over Fabrics endpoint e.g. 'nqn.2022-06.io.xnvme:ctrlnode1'

[ --hostnqn STRING ]

The host NQN to use when connecting to NVMe over Fabrics controllers

[ --be STRING ]

xNVMe backend, e.g. 'linux', 'spdk', 'fbsd', 'macos', 'posix', 'windows'

[ --dev-nsid 0xNUM ]

Namespace Identifier for Device Handle

[ --admin STRING ]

xNVMe admin. command-interface, e.g. 'nvme', 'block'

[ --mem STRING ]

xNVMe buffer/memory manager

[ --direct NUM ]

Bypass layers

[ --help ]

Show usage / help

See Also

Full documentation at: <https://xnvme.io/>


Written by Simon A. F. Lund <simon.lund@samsung.com> on behalf of Samsung

Referenced By


03 February 2024 xNVMe