x2goclient - Man Page

Client application to launch server-side X2Go sessions.


x2goclient  <options>


x2goclient is a GUI application for launching server-side X2Go sessions.

Help and Debug Options

x2goclient has the following help and debugging options:


Show available command line options.


Show available pack methods and exit.

-v,  --version

Output X2Go Client version to stderr.


Enable extensive console output for debugging X2Go Client.


Show changelog file.


Show Git commit history (not available on all X2Go Client builds).

GUI Options

The following options can be used for controlling the GUI behaviour:


Hide menu-/toolbar (default: false).


Start client maximized (default: false).


Hide client (start hidden, default: false).


Always keep the "accelerated X" icon in the system tray. Without this option the default behaviour is: Switch the tray icon to the session's icon on successful session startup/resumption.


Show tray icon (default: false). This option overrides the global tray icon settings and also forces the tray icon to be shown in hidden X2Go Client mode.


Hide all elements in X2Go Client GUI that are related to folder sharing.


Close X2Go Client after a session got disconnected.


Local ssh port (for filesystem export, default: 22).


Launch <app> by session start in "published applications" mode. This parameter should go along with --session=<session-profile-name>, where the given session profile should be configured as a session profile of type "Published Applications".


Add a "Support..." submenu item to X2Go Client's "Help" menu.

The support information is provided via a simple HTML file. Example:

        <h1>IT-Support for X2Go</h1>
        DAS-NETZWERKTEAM | Mike Gabriel:<br />
        <a href="mailto:support@das-netzwerkteam.de">
        </a><br />
        <br />
        Thanks for using X2Go...

Use a custom/branded background image (SVG format) for X2Go Client's main window (i.e. replace the blue gradient area in X2Go Client by some background of your own (business/workgroup/project). If a directory is given, will randomly pick an SVG file inside of it.


Use a custom icon (SVG format) for additional branding to replace the default in the lower left corner of X2Go Client's main window.

Miscellaneous Options

These options change X2Go Client's behavior globally. Some might not be available on all platforms.

--xserver-start-limit=<num> (Windows-only)

Limit the X.Org Server start count to at most <num> tries. Default: 3. If <num> is zero or a negative number, no limit is imposed. The limits for <num> are platform dependent. If the passed value is out of bounds, X2Go Client falls back to the default value.

Session Profile Defaults

You can set certain defaults for session profiles via command line switches using the following options:


Pre-selection of user at client startup (LDAP mode only).


Default command for session startup.


Use this default TCP/IP port for connection (default: 22).


Use this SSH private key file by default.


By default, search for standard SSH key file names or try using an SSH agent.


Set default link type (modem,isdn,adsl,wan or lan, default: adsl).


Set default pack method (default: '16m-jpeg').


Set default image quality(0-9, default: 9).


Overwrite current keyboard settings, no override by default.


Set keyboard layout (default: 'de').


Set keyboard type (default: pc105/us, depend on our clients language setup, though).


Set default clipboard mode.


Set default geometry, default '800x600'.


set DPI of X2Go Agent to <dpi>, default set to same as local display.


Activate sound for session, not enabled by default.


Which soundsystem to use: arts, esd, pulse (default: pulse).


Use Xinerama by default.


Use a custom session icon by default.

Thin Client Options

The following command line options are primarily interesting if x2goclient is used as a login manager on X2Go thin clients.


Let X2Go Client run without window manager.


Pre-selection of a session profile (by its session profile ID) at client startup.


Pre-selection of a session profile (by its session profile name) at client startup.


Disable session editing.


Use openPGP Card authentication (default: false).


Authenticate via SMART card, path to login notification file.


Add DSA/RSA host key fingerprint to .ssh/known_hosts in case of "authenticity of server can't be established".


Specifies a directory where some external mechanism (e.g. script) can notify x2goclient on new block devices (CD/DVDs, USB sticks, etc.).


Show a "Shutdown" button in the top left corner of X2Go Client. When pressed, X2Go Client will create the file $HOME/.halt. An external script has to watch for this file and trigger a thinclient shutdown once it appears.

Portable Options

X2Go Client can be installed on a USB-Flashdrive as a portable applications. If installed that way, the following options support the portable setup of X2Go Client:


Start X2Go Client in "portable" mode. This implies... (TODO).


Set the users home directory. This is the directory where X2Go Client will store settings and cache files.


Path to alternative session profile config (default: $HOME/.x2goclient/sessions).


In portable mode, X2Go Client removes several directories it has created (and probably directories you don't want to have removed on a normal system):


If --clean-all-files is used on the command line, also the directory containing the configuration files of X2Go Client gets removed:


Broker Options

In case you want to retrieve x2goclient session profiles from an X2Go Session Broker use the following options:


Specify the <URL> of the X2Go Session Broker. X2Go Client can access http:// and ssh:// style URLs.

Syntax of <URL> for HTTP brokerage:


Syntax of <URL> for  SSH brokerage:

ssh://<user>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/usr/bin/x2gobroker (or any executable that provides the broker via SSH).


Specify a special (self-signed) root-CACert file that shall get used when connecting to an X2Go Session Broker via https (SSL).


The X2Go Session Broker is accessible without authentication.


Login to X2Go Session Broker via GSSAPI. Only supported with ssh:// broker URLs.


Use this <USERNAME> for authenticating against the X2Go Session Broker. This option mostly makes sense together with --broker-autologin or --broker-ssh-key.


For SSH based X2Go Session Brokers. If an SSH agent is available or default key files exist then try those for authentication against the X2Go Session Broker.


Enforce re-authentication against X2Go Session Broker after a session has been suspended or terminated.


For SSH based X2Go Session Brokers. Full path to a valid SSH private key file.


Sets the broker name to display in X2Go Client. This parameter is optional.


Run a connectivity test against X2Go Session Broker. Not supported by all broker implementations.


Send a change-password request to an X2Go Session Broker. Not supported by all broker implementations.


Informs the broker to use the username you entered for X2Go Server authentication when selecting a server/session. Only has functionality if --broker-noauth is used.


Use broker credentials as session user/password credentials when using broker mode with broker authentication. Currently only affects direct RDP sessions.


Show a "Logout" button in the top left corner of X2Go Client. When logged in to a broker, pressing this button X2Go Client lets you login to the broker again.

LDAP OPTIONS (deprecated)

NOTE: LDAP support won't be continued in X2Go Client 2 (next generation of X2Go Client).

A slightly different approach than X2Go Client's LDAP functionality is available via the X2Go Session Brokerage feature.

In case you want to control x2goclient via an LDAP server use the following options:


Start with LDAP support (disabled by default). Example: --ldap=ldapserver:389:o=organization,c=de


Failover LDAP URI No. 1.


Failover LDAP URI No. 2.


Allow client side printing in LDAP mode.


This manual has been written by Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de> for the X2Go project (https://www.x2go.org).


Jun 2023 Version X2Go Client (Qt4)