wmenu - Man Page
dynamic menu for Wayland
wmenu [-biPv]
[-f font]
[-l lines]
[-o output]
[-p prompt]
[-N color] [-n color]
[-M color] [-m color]
[-S color] [-s color]
wmenu-run ...
wmenu is a dynamic menu for Wayland, which reads a list of newline-separated items from stdin. When the user selects an item and presses Return, their choice is printed to stdout and wmenu terminates. Entering text will narrow the items to those matching the tokens in the input.
wmenu-run is a special invocation of wmenu which lists programs in the user's $PATH and runs the result.
- -b
wmenu appears at the bottom of the screen.
- -i
wmenu matches menu items case insensitively.
- -P
wmenu will not directly display the keyboard input, but instead replace it with asterisks.
- -v
prints version information to stdout, then exits.
- -f font
defines the font used. For more information, see
- -l lines
wmenu lists items vertically, with the given number of lines.
- -o output
wmenu is displayed on the output with the given name.
- -p prompt
defines the prompt to be displayed to the left of the input field.
defines the normal background color.
defines the normal foreground color.
defines the prompt background color.
defines the prompt foreground color.
defines the selection background color.
defines the selection foreground color.
wmenu is completely controlled by the keyboard. Items are selected using the arrow keys, page up, page down, home, and end.
- Tab
Copy the selected item to the input field.
- Return
Confirm selection. Prints the selected item to stdout and exits, returning success.
- Ctrl-Return
Confirm selection. Prints the selected item to stdout and continues.
- Shift-Return
Confirm input. Prints the input text to stdout and exits, returning success.
- Escape
Exit without selecting an item, returning failure.
- Ctrl-Left
Move cursor to the start of the current word.
- Ctrl-Right
Move cursor to the end of the current word.
C-a | Home |
C-b | Left |
C-c | Escape |
C-d | Delete |
C-e | End |
C-f | Right |
C-g | Escape |
C-[ | Escape |
C-h | Backspace |
C-i | Tab |
C-j | Return |
C-J | Shift-Return |
C-k | Delete line right |
C-m | Return |
C-M | Shift-Return |
C-n | Down |
C-p | Up |
C-u | Delete line left |
C-w | Delete word left |
C-Y | Paste from Wayland clipboard |
M-b | Move cursor to the start of the current word |
M-f | Move cursor to the end of the current word |
M-g | Home |
M-G | End |
M-h | Up |
M-j | Page down |
M-k | Page up |
M-l | Down |