wat-desugar - Man Page

parse .wat text form and print canonical flat format


wat-desugar[options] file


wat-desugar Parses .wat text form as supported by the spec interpreter (s-expressions, flat syntax, or mixed) and prints "canonical" flat format.

The options are as follows:


Print this help message


Print version information

-o, --output=FILE

Output file for the formatted file


Turn on debugging the parser of wat files

-f, --fold-exprs

Write folded expressions where possible


Write all exports inline


Write all imports inline


Enable Experimental exception handling


Disable Import/export mutable globals


Disable Saturating float-to-int operators


Disable Sign-extension operators


Disable SIMD support


Enable Threading support


Enable Typed function references


Disable Multi-value


Enable Tail-call support


Disable Bulk-memory operations


Disable Reference types (externref)


Enable Custom annotation syntax


Enable Code metadata


Enable Garbage collection


Enable 64-bit memory


Enable Multi-memory


Enable Extended constant expressions


Enable all features


Give auto-generated names to non-named functions, types, etc.


Write output to stdout

$ wat-desugar test.wat

Write output to test2.wat

$ wat-desugar test.wat -o test2.wat

Generate names for indexed variables

$ wat-desugar --generate-names test.wat

See Also

wasm-decompile(1), wasm-interp(1), wasm-objdump(1), wasm-opcodecnt(1), wasm-strip(1), wasm-validate(1), wasm2c(1), wasm2wat(1), wast2json(1), wat2wasm(1), spectest-interp(1)


If you find a bug, please report it at

Referenced By

spectest-interp(1), wasm2c(1), wasm2wat(1), wasm-decompile(1), wasm-interp(1), wasm-objdump(1), wasm-opcodecnt(1), wasm-strip(1), wasm-validate(1), wast2json(1), wat2wasm(1).

February 3, 2024