vpoller-client - Man Page

manual page for vpoller-client 0.7.3



vpoller-client [options] -m <method> -V <host>


-h,  --help

Display this usage info

-v,  --version

Display version and exit

-d,  --debug

Debug mode, be more verbose

-m <method>, --method <method>

The method to be processed during the client request

-V <host>, --vsphere-host <host>

The vSphere host to send the request to

-n <name>, --name <name>

Name of the object, e.g. ESXi hostname, datastore URL, etc.

-p <properties>, --properties <properties>

Name of the property as defined by the vSphere Web SDK

-r <retries>, --retries <retries>

Number of times to retry if a request times out [default: 3]

-t <timeout>, --timeout <timeout>

Timeout after that period of milliseconds [default: 10000]

-e <endpoint>, --endpoint <endpoint>

Endpoint of vPoller Proxy/Worker the client connects to [default: tcp://localhost:10123]

-k <key>, --key <key>

Provide additional key for data filtering

-c <counter>, --counter <counter>

Retrieve performance metrics with this counter name

-s <max-sample>, --max-sample <max-sample>

Max number of performance samples to retrieve

-i <instance>, --instance <instance>

Performance metric instance name

-T <interval> --perf-interval <interval>

Historical performance interval name

-U <username>, --guest-username <username>

Username to use for authentication in guest system

-P <password>, --guest-password <password>

Password to use for authentication in guest system

-H <helper>, --helper <helper>

Specify a helper module to use for processing of the result message, e.g. 'vpoller.helpers.zabbix'


vpoller-client -m vm.discover -V vc01.example.org vpoller-client -m vm.discover -V vc01.example.org -p runtime.powerState vpoller-client -m vm.get -V vc01.example.org -n vm01.example.org -p summary.overallStatus vpoller-client -m vm.disk.get -V vc01.example.org -n vm01.example.org -k /var vpoller-client -m vm.process.get -V vc01.example.org -n vm01.example.org -U user -P pass

See Also

The full documentation for vpoller-client is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the info and vpoller-client programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info vpoller-client

should give you access to the complete manual.


July 2024 vpoller-client 0.7.3