vis-clipboard - Man Page

Read from or write to the system clipboard


vis-clipboard--copy [--selection selection]
vis-clipboard--paste [--selection selection]


vis-clipboard wraps various system-specific tools for interacting with a system clipboard, like xsel(1) for X11, pbcopy(1) for Mac OS X, and /dev/clipboard on Cygwin.

vis-clipboard can run in three different ways, depending on the flag given on the command-line.


In this mode, vis-clipboard looks for a way to interface with the system clipboard. If it finds one, it terminates with exit code 0. If no interface to the system clipboard is available, it terminates with exit code 1.


In this mode, vis-clipboard reads the content of standard input, and stores it in the system clipboard.


In this mode, vis-clipboard reads the content of the system clipboard, and writes it to standard output.

--selection selection

specify which selection to use, options are "primary" or "clipboard"


The following environment variables affect the operation of vis-clipboard:


If non-empty, vis-clipboard will prefer to access the X11 clipboard even if other options are available.

Exit Status

The vis-clipboard utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. When run with the --usable flag, an exit status of 0 means that it found a supported system-specific tool, while 1 means that clipboard access is not available.


Test whether clipboard access is available:

if vis-clipboard --usable; then
	echo "Clipboard access available"
	echo "No clipboard"

Copy a friendly greeting to the clipboard:

echo "Hello, World" | vis-clipboard --copy

Send the current contents of the system clipboard to be recorded and analyzed:

vis-clipboard --paste | curl -d -

See Also

pbcopy(1), pbpaste(1), vis(1), xclip(1), xsel(1)

Referenced By


November 29, 2016