usdzip - Man Page

manual page for usdzip 25.02a


usage: usdzip [-h] [-r] [-a ASSET] [--arkitAsset ARKITASSET] [-c]

[-l [LISTTARGET]] [-d [DUMPTARGET]] [-v] [usdzFile] [inputFiles ...]

Utility for creating a .usdz file containing USD assets and for inspecting existing .usdz files.

positional arguments


Name of the .usdz file to create or to inspect the contents of.


Files to include in the .usdz file.


-h,  --help

show this help message and exit

-r,  --recurse

If specified, files in sub-directories are recursively added to the package.

-a,  --asset ASSET

Resolvable asset path pointing to the root layer of the asset to be isolated and copied into the package.

--arkitAsset ARKITASSET

Similar to the --asset option, the --arkitAsset option packages all of the dependencies of the named scene file. Assets targeted at the initial usdz implementation in ARKit operate under greater constraints than usdz files for more general 'in house' uses, and this option attempts to ensure that these constraints are honored; this may involve more transformations to the data, which may cause loss of features such as VariantSets.

-c,  --checkCompliance

Perform compliance checking of the input files. If the input asset or "root" layer fails any of the compliance checks, the package is not created and the program fails.

-l,  --list [LISTTARGET]

List contents of the specified usdz file. If a filepath argument is provided, the list is output to a file at the given path. If no argument is provided or if '-' is specified as the argument, the list is output to stdout.

-d,  --dump [DUMPTARGET]

Dump contents of the specified usdz file. If a filepath argument is provided, the contents are output to a file at the given path. If no argument is provided or if '-' is specified as the argument, the contents are output to stdout.

-v,  --verbose

Enable verbose mode, which causes messages regarding files being added to the package to be output to stdout.


February 2025 usdzip 25.02a