usdtree - Man Page
manual page for usdtree 25.02a
usdtree [Options] inputPath
usdtree : Writes the tree structure of a USD file. The default is to inspect a single USD file. Use the --flatten argument to see the flattened (or composed) Stage tree. Special metadata 'kind' and 'active' are always shown if authored unless --simple is provided.
The input file to process
- -h,--help
Print this help message and exit
- --unloaded
Do not load payloads.
- -a,--attributes
Display authored attributes.
- -m,--metadata
Display authored metadata (active and kind are part of the label and not shown as individual items
- -s,--simple
Only display prim names: no specifier, kind or active state.
- -f,--flatten
Compose the stage with the input file as the root layer and write the flattened content.
- --flattenLayerStack
Flatten the layer stack with the given root layer. Unlike --flatten, this does not flatten composition arcs (such as references).
Limit stage population to these prims, their descendants and ancestors. To specify multiple paths, either use commas with no spaces, or quote the argument and separate paths by commas and/or spaces. Requires --flatten.