usdcat - Man Page

manual page for usdcat 25.02a


usdcat [Options] inputFiles...


Write usd file(s) either as text to stdout or to a specified output file.


inputFiles ...

A list of input files



Print this help message and exit

-o,--out file

Write a single input file to this output file instead of stdout.

--usdFormat usda|usdc

Use this underlying file format for output files with the extension 'usd'. For example, passing '-o output.usd --usdformat usda' will create output.usd as a text file. The USD_DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT environment variable is another way to achieve this.


Attempt to load the specified input files and report 'OK' or 'ERR' for each one. After all files are processed, this script will exit with a non-zero exit code if any files failed to load.


Compose stages with the input files as root layers and write their flattened content.


Flatten the layer stack with the given root layer, and write out the results. Unlike --flatten, this does not flatten composition arcs (such as references).


If --flatten is specified, skip adding a comment regarding the source of the flattened layer in the documentation field of the output layer.


Limit stage population to these prims, their descendants and ancestors. To specify multiple paths, either use commas with no spaces, or quote the argument and separate paths by commas and/or spaces. Requires --flatten.


Load only layer metadata in the USD file. This option cannot be combined with either --flatten or --flattenLayerStack.


February 2025 usdcat 25.02a