unu-tile - Man Page

tile slices of one axis into two other axes


unu tile -a,--axis <axSplit ax0 ax1> -s,--size <fast slow> [-i,--input <nin>] [-o,--output <nout>]


Tile slices of one axis into two other axes. Tiling an array means splitting one axis into fast and slow parts, and then interleaving those parts into other (existing) axes by doing two axis merges, which combine an existing axis with part of the split axis. This reduces the dimension by one. The three axis arguments all identify axes in the input array as is. This provides, for example, a simple way of viewing the 128 slices along the slow axis of a 3-D volume as a 16x8 tiled array of 2-D slices, as with “-a 2 0 1 -s 16 8”.


-a <axSplit ax0 ax1> , --axis <axSplit ax0 ax1>

axSplit is divided and merged with ax0 and ax1 (3 unsigned ints)

-s <fast slow> , --size <fast slow>

fast and slow axis sizes to produce as result of splitting the axSplit
axis. (2 size_ts)

-i <nin> , --input <nin>

input nrrd

-o <nout> , --output <nout>

output nrrd (string); default: “-

See Also

unu(1), unu-untile(1)

Referenced By

unu(1), unu-untile(1).

August 2021