unu-rmap - Man Page

map nrrd through one regular univariate map (“colormap”)


unu rmap -m,--map <map> [-r,--rescale] [-min,--minimum <value>] [-max,--maximum <value>] [-blind8 <bool>] [-t,--type <type>] [-i,--input <nin>] [-o,--output <nout>]


Map nrrd through one regular univariate map (“colormap”). A map is regular if the control points are evenly spaced along the domain, and hence their position isn’t explicitly represented in the map; the axis min, axis max, and number of points determine their location. The map can be a 1D nrrd (for “grayscale”), in which case the output has the same dimension as the input, or a 2D nrrd (for “color”), in which case the output has one more dimension than the input. In either case, the output is the result of linearly interpolating between map points, either scalar values (“grayscale”), or scanlines along axis 0 (“color”).


-m <map> , --map <map>

regular map to map input nrrd through


rescale the input values from the input range to the map domain. The map domain is either explicitly defined by the axis min,max along axis 0 or 1, or, it is implicitly defined as zero to the length of that axis minus one.

-min <value> , --minimum <value>

Low end of input range. Defaults to lowest value found in input nrrd. Explicitly setting this is useful only with rescaling (“-r”) (double)

-max <value> , --maximum <value>

High end of input range. Defaults to highest value found in input nrrd. Explicitly setting this is useful only with rescaling (“-r”) (double)

-blind8 <bool>

Whether to know the range of 8-bit data blindly (uchar is always [0,255], signed char is [-128,127]). Explicitly setting this is useful only with rescaling (“-r”) (bool); default: “true

-t <type> , --type <type>

specify the type (“int”, “float”, etc.) of the output nrrd. By default (not using this option), the output type is the map’s type.

-i <nin> , --input <nin>

input nrrd

-o <nout> , --output <nout>

output nrrd (string); default: “-

See Also

unu(1), unu-mrmap(1), unu-imap(1)

Referenced By

unu(1), unu-heq(1), unu-imap(1), unu-mrmap(1), unu-subst(1).

August 2021