unu-join - Man Page

connect slices and/or slabs into a bigger nrrd


unu join [@file ...] -i,--input <nin0 ...> -a,--axis <axis> [-incr] [-l,--label <label>] [-mm,--minmax <min max>] [-sp,--spacing <spc>] [-o,--output <nout>]


Connect slices and/or slabs into a bigger nrrd. Can stich images into volumes, or tile images side by side, or attach images onto volumes. If there are many many files to name in the “-i” option, and using wildcards won’t work, consider putting the list of filenames into a separate text file (e.g. “slices.txt”), and then name this file as a response file (e.g. “-i s@lices.txt”). This command now allows you to set the same pieces of information that previously had to be set with unu-axinfo(1): label, spacing, and min/max. These can be use whether the join axis is new (because of “-incr”) or not.


@file ...

response file(s) containing command-line arguments

-i <nin0 ...> , --input <nin0 ...>

everything to be joined together (1 or more nrrds)

-a <axis> , --axis <axis>

axis to join along (unsigned int)


in situations where the join axis is not among the existing axes of the input nrrds, then this flag signifies that the join axis should be inserted, and the output dimension should be one greater than input dimension. Without this flag, the nrrds are joined side-by-side, along an existing axis.

-l <label> , --label <label>

label to associate with join axis (string)

-mm <min max> , --minmax <min max>

min and max values along join axis (2 doubles)

-sp <spc> , --spacing <spc>

spacing between samples along join axis (double)

-o <nout> , --output <nout>

output nrrd (string); default: “-(rq

See Also

unu(1), unu-axinfo(1)

Referenced By


August 2021