unu-env - Man Page
list relevant environment variables and their values
unu env
List relevant environment variables and their values. These environment variables provide a way of setting global variables that can affect the way Nrrd (and unu(1)) operates.
Uses nrrdGetenvBool, nrrdGetenvEnum, nrrdGetenvInt, and nrrdGetenvUInt
Each variable in the listing below starts with the name of the environment variable (“NRRD_...”), what type of value it represents (e.g. “int”, “bool”), what the corresponding Nrrd global variable is set to, and a description of the variable. In the unu-env(1) command output, the listing also includes what the environment variable is currently set to.
Bool variables may be set to true simply by setting the environment variable; setting the value to “true” or “false” sets the bool accordingly. Enum variables may be set by setting the environment variable to any string that parses as one of the enum values. Int and unsigned int variables are set via a string parse-able as a numeric value.
In addition to the the “NRRD_” environment variables, there is this one, UNRRDU_QUIET_QUIT; see the Environment section below.
Determines whether unu(1) exits quietly (without error and usage info) when it fails because an input nrrd read immediately hit EOF (as happens when many unu(1) invocations are piped together). This is currently detected by seeing if the error message ends with “[nrrd] _nrrdRead: immediately hit EOF”.
(nrrdStateKeyValuePairsPropagate == true)
When true, key/value pairs are copied from input nrrd to output nrrd just like other basic info that hasn’t just been modified (e.g. type, dimension, block size).
- NRRD_DEFAULT_CENTER (centering enum)
(nrrdDefaultCenter == cell)
The type of sample centering to use when none has been set but one has to be chosen for some operation (e.g. resampling).
(nrrdDefaultWriteEncodingType == raw)
When writing nrrds, what encoding to use. Only unu-save(1) affords explicit control of output encoding.
(nrrdStateKindNoop == false)
When true, Nrrd makes not even the slightest effort to be smart about setting the “kind” field of an axis after some operation that modified its samples.
(nrrdStateVerboseIO == 1)
The verbosity level of Nrrd input/output operations.
(nrrdDefaultWriteBareText == 1)
When false, text files used for saving nrrds start with comment (“# ...”) lines containing nrrd fields.
(nrrdStateMeasureType == float)
For measurements (unu-project(1)) like sum and product, the type of the output result, when one hasn’t been explicitly requested.
(nrrdStateMeasureModeBins == 1024)
When measuring mode but without a given histogram, how many bins to use in the temporary internal histogram.
(nrrdStateMeasureHistoType == float)
Output type for most measurements of histograms, when one hasn’t been explicitly requested
(nrrdStateAlwaysSetContent == true)
If true, the output content string is set even when the input content string is not set.
(nrrdStateDisableContent == false)
If true, output content is never set.
(nrrdDefaultWriteCharsPerLine == 75)
When using text encoding, maximum # characters allowed per line.
(nrrdDefaultWriteValsPerLine == 8)
When using text encoding, maximum # values allowed per line
(nrrdStateGrayscaleImage3D == false)
If true, reading a 2-D grayscale image results in a 3-D image with a single sample (size=1) on the first (fastest) axis.