unu-data - Man Page

print data segment of a nrrd file


unu data <nin>


Print data segment of a nrrd file. The value of this is to pass the data segment in isolation to a stand-alone decoder, in case this Teem build lacks an optional data encoding required for a given nrrd file.


Will start copying characters from the datafile until EOF is hit, so this won’t work correctly if the datafile has extraneous content at the end. Will skip lines (as per “line skip:” header field) if needed, but can only skip bytes (as per “byte skip:” if the encoding is NOT a compression.

  • Uses nrrdLoad with nio->skipData and nio->keepNrrdDataFileOpen both true in the NrrdIoState nio.



input nrrd (string)


To make vol.raw contain the uncompressed data from vol.nrrd which uses “gz” encoding:

unu data vol.nrrd | gunzip > vol.raw

See Also

unu(1), unu-head(1)

Referenced By

unu(1), unu-head(1).

May 2021