uniqg - Man Page

manual page for uniqg 2.8.9


uniqg [-q] [-xFILE] [-Xfile] [-hFILE] [-fxxx] [-u|-S|-t]


[-c] [-k] [-i# -I#:# -K#] [infile [outfile]]

Remove duplicates from a file of graphs or digraphs.

The SHA256 cryptographic hash function is used for comparisons


Use sparse representation internally.

Note that this changes the canonical labelling. Multiple edges are not supported.  One loop per vertex is ok.


Use Traces.


No output, just count


Write hash codes, not graphs (note: binary output)


Write the input graph exactly, not a canonical graph


Assume graphs from infile are canonically labelled already


Read a file of graphs and exclude them from the output


Like -xFILE but assume they are already canonically labelled


Read a file of hash codes and exclude them from the output


Flush output for each new graph (expensive if there are many)


Specify a partition of the vertex set.  xxx is any

string of ASCII characters except nul.

This string is

considered extended to infinity on the right with the character 'z'. The sequence 'x^N', where x is a character and N is a number, is equivalent to writing 'x' N times.  One character is associated with each vertex, in the order given.  The labelling used obeys these rules:

(1) the new order of the vertices is such that the associated

characters are in ASCII ascending order

(2) if two graphs are labelled using the same string xxx,

the output graphs are identical iff there is an associated-character-preserving isomorphism between them. If a leading '-' is used, as in -f-xxx, the characters are assigned to the vertices starting at the last vertex, and the new order of the vertices respects decreasing ASCII order.


select an invariant (1 = twopaths, 2 = adjtriang(K), 3 = triples,

4 = quadruples, 5 = celltrips, 6 = cellquads, 7 = cellquins, 8 = distances(K), 9 = indsets(K), 10 = cliques(K), 11 = cellcliq(K),

12 = cellind(K), 13 = adjacencies, 14 = cellfano, 15 = cellfano2, 16 = refinvar(K))


select mininvarlevel and maxinvarlevel (default 1:1)


select invararg (default 3)


suppress auxiliary information


September 2024 uniqg 2.8.9